automatic password fill online banking

Peter_1G Posts: 3 Observer
edited May 2023 in Password Vault

After the sidebar is displayed on the bank's page to enter the login data, neither the login name nor the password is filled in by F-Secure ID Protection. It works for all other websites. Operating system is windows 11

Accepted Answer

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser
    Answer ✓


    and on this bank page you must then select during registration that the page should be opened in the new design

    I tried a bit. With my experience (beta build of F-Secure ID Protection // Microsoft Edge browser):

    Indeed, there is no F-Secure ID Protection logo in the login field, but it is present in the password field - and the password is filled in there by tapping logo and choosing related entry (although I do not use autofill and do not know exactly how it usually looks like).

    I also tried its "EN" version and login/password forms are in the top there. However, the result is the same (F-Secure ID protection logo only in the password field).

    I can recommend that if the situation does not improve in a week or two, then contact F-Secure Support and open a ticket about this problem: Contact support | F-Secure (for example, by using web-chat and escalating the trouble into email discussion) / DE: Support kontaktieren | F-Secure. The web chat area is usually located in the lower right corner as a "start" widget.

    So, developers will be able to get this information directly and think about a solution/improvement.



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    I am also only an F-Secure user. I will try to play with that way on my devices, but could you add a little more information?

    For example, it you will disable Banking Protection feature for a one-time check - will it be possible for F-Secure ID Protection do the autofill?

    I mean, if "the sidebar" is a F-Secure SAFE Banking Protection session indicator. And, also, if ""It works for all other websites""-sentence was not about possibility to use any other 'banking'-rated website.

    How do I disable Banking protection in F-Secure SAFE or Internet Security? - F-Secure Community


  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 2,056 Community Manager

    Hello @Peter_1G

    Welcome to the F-Secure community page and thank you for your post.

    Yes, as mentioned by @Ukko it would be helpful if you can provide us with more information for this post.

    It works for all other websites.

    Did you mean that it works on Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox?

    These are the supported browsers for ID PROTECTION on the Windows platform Supported browsers for F-Secure ID PROTECTION | ID PROTECTION | Latest | F-Secure User Guides

    Autofill is supported on these browsers. Kindly let us know if you are having an issue with the autofill on these browsers.

    Thank you and have a good day.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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  • Peter_1G
    Peter_1G Posts: 3 Observer

    Deactivating the banking protection does not remedy the situation. I use windows 11 and the latest chrome browser

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    Deactivating the banking protection does not remedy the situation. I use windows 11 and the latest chrome browser

    I see. And, perhaps, I misunderstood your initial words. Because this seems to be a problem directly with the design of a particular bank (website). And inability to fill it via F-Secure ID Protection.

    After the sidebar is displayed on the bank's page to enter the login data, neither the login name nor the

    This sidebar is an element of a web page and can be used to log in to complete banking transactions? That is, the login data must be specified in this sidebar (its forms). And it is not possible to use the autofill functionality (F-Secure ID Protection) in it. Am I understanding correctly now?

    If yes, could you provide URL of this website (banking page). So, it will be possible to troubleshoot and investigate situation.

    And could you expand on this sentence:

    It works for all other websites

    where are similar sidebars also used? or just on other websites with a different login design?


  • Peter_1G
    Peter_1G Posts: 3 Observer

    @Ukko you got it all right.

    and on this bank page you must then select during registration that the page should be opened in the new design

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