FS Protection PC 19.0 releases

Release 19.0 beta 2 (TOTAL 5.1.580):
New features:
- Ad block feature. You can enable it in Secure Browsing tab and adverts will not be shown during your browsing. Coverage is improved over time (PBL-2438).
- License based features support. This allows us to have different features available to different users based on the subscription even when the product is the same.
- VPN feature that is currently available only for a handful of selected beta users. This availability may be expanded in future releases.
- The "Turn off all protection" tool button is also shown at the "Secure Browsing & Banking" main UI view.
Fixed issues:
- Incorrect title is shown at the ID Monitoring if webview2 is blocked in Firewall (PBL-10102)
- Scan Wizard dark mode UI issues (PBL-10095, PBL-10098)
- Password Vault: Connect Devices screen :: long string is not fully visible even with full size / insert field is truncated if window is small (PBL-10216/SAFE_BUG-03755)
- Vault: record names can consist of whitespace (KID-1445)
Known issues:
- VPN feature card icon color is not customized and the card description also has a typo (PBL-10343, PBL-10345)
Sorry for the reply.
A bit of about the customisation: is it expected that the color scheme is sometimes applied with a visible delay. Maybe the problem is only on my system (old laptop, slow Network connection), though.
Mostly noticeable ONLY with the (?) help logo in the UI and maybe just when going to AV or BP modules... where some events are loaded... so the delay is more than with other parts of interface. And also, more sensed with this announced lovely feature (that allows you to report your suggestion for web page rating) for BP extensions; exclusively Buttons (while navigating through 'list'. For example, choose Report 'safe->harmful' : "harmful-backTo-list' and so on). Just like "one" second (or between one and two seconds) - thus, noticeably.. but rather quickly.
From "deep blue" to "pumpkin carrot". Not a trouble at all, especially for beta build. But it seemed to me that with a stable solution - when customization is applied (at least, if the main BP extension can be customized on-the-fly) - this can be strange.
Other than that, so many great features have been added, changed and improved in recent releases (and have been for quite some time now).. literally.. one fine feature after another. What's next?! own firewall? :D
Release 19.0 beta 3 (TOTAL 5.1.703):
New features:
- The order of feature cards in main user interface was changed, so that commonly used feature cards are higher
- The following windows now remember their size and position: Main UI, Settings, Event History, Scan Wizard and Help.
- Help content renderer was updated to WebView2 and help now supports dark mode properly
Fixed issues:
- False positive reporting link on block pages now points to a correct URL (PBL-10318)
- When switching from Kid to Adult profile, Finish dialog for kid profile is opened (PBL-10344)
- Main UI crashes on x86 machines if VPN feature is available (PBL-10356)
Known issues:
- The account id is not shown after the upgrade (PBL-10431)
- Standalone Key notification is shown when it is not installed (PBL-10432)
Release 19.0 Beta 4 (TOTAL 5.1.836):
New features:
- Unified product/feature icons (PBL-10380)
- VPN feature card UI has been improved (PBL-9947)
- Smart tasks now have a visual progress and complete indicators
Fixed issues:
- The account id is not shown after the upgrade (PBL-10431)
- Standalone Key notification is shown when it is not installed (PBL-10432)
- Account menu item: icon is missing (PBL-10453)
- In some localisations, the country name is shown incorrectly at the VPN card (PBL-10458)
Release 19.0 Beta 5 (TOTAL 5.1.1037):
New features:
- VPN feature view now has world map with location where you are connected to
- VPN Settings tab now has the killswitch toggle (PBL-9945, PBL-10400).
Fixed issues:
- Account menu item: icon is missing (PBL-10453)
- Dismissing smart task shows it as "completed" (PBL-10491)
- The Login button is shown incorrectly in dark mode (PBL-10483)
- Feature background image is cropped (PBL-10426)
Known issues:
- User is unable to change account data, the page is not found (PBL-10532). For now, you have to go to Safe Avenue from the browser.
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Release 19.0 Beta 6 (TOTAL 5.1.1086):
New features:
- Initial version of VPN location selection is now available
Fixed issues:
- User is unable to change account data, the page is not found (PBL-10532). For now, you have to go to Safe Avenue from the browser.
Known issues:
- When turning the VPN on, cancels with a delay (PBL-10460)
- Vertically scrolling VPN location list is not yet possible. There may also be an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar.
- Location picker is not readable in Dark mode (PBL-10544)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Password Manager browser extension beta release 5.0.166
New features:
- Search - Password Vault entries can now be searched from the extension's main menu. For each search result, the username and password can be copied and the entry's URL can be visited. These actions are enabled only when there is valid data in the entry (non-empty username/password, valid URL).
- Suggestions - If any Password Vault entries have a URL matching the current page, these suggested entries will be listed when opening the extension's main menu. For suggestions, the same actions are available as listed above for search results.
- Save web credentials - The extension now prompts the user to save web credentials when logging into a site not already in the vault. Currently the vault must be unlocked in order for the "save credentials" prompt to show. Further site compatibility improvements for this feature to come.
Fixed issues:
- Fixed an issue where erroneous HTML was injected to WordPress editors and some forum post editors.
Other changes:
- Improvements to site compatibility for the Autofill feature.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
Release 19.0 Beta 7 (TOTAL 5.1.1157):
New features:
- VPN Settings: Trusted networks. User is able to add a network to the list of trusted ones (PBL-10402)
Fixed issues:
- Initial trouble with VPN functionality (SAFE_BUG-03797\PBL-10494):
- Vertically scrolling VPN location list is not yet possible. There may also be an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar.
- Location picker is not readable in a Dark mode (PBL-10544)
- CRASH: Settings crashed at try to open it (after update to beta 5) || fssettings.exe - System.ArgumentException (SAFE_BUG-03807\PBL-10535)
- "Built in VPN" does not fit in Estonian language (SAFE_BUG-03812\PBL-10541)
Release 19.0 Beta 8 (TOTAL 5.1.1318):
New features:
- VPN main on/off switch has been redesigned and the entire VPN subview now looks more aligned with other subviews (PBL-10449, PBL-10574)
- New elements added to the VPN Settings tab (PBL-10401, PBL-10404, PBL-10405). Please note that some localization strings are not available yet.
- Ad blocker statistics in UI (PBL-10505)
- Ad block feature is now enabled by default.
Fixed issues:
- 19.0 Beta 7 - trusted network glitch (SAFE_BUG-03819\PBL-10588;SAFE_BUG-03817\PBL-10579)
- VPN is shown as on when you try to turn it on and the standalone is on (PBL-10613)
- VPN "Trusted networks" tool link opens settings (PBL-10601)
- Protections are shown as off in main UI after the reboot (PBL-10584)
- VPN feature card button text color incorrect when there is image (PBL-10580)
Known issues:
- Unable to open Trusted networks if you close them by pressing esc (PBL-10623)
- In some cases, beta upgrade stuck in the "Waiting for restart" state (PBL-10626). If you have also faced it, please create a ticket in Centercode with your fsdiag file.
Release 19.0 Beta 9 (TOTAL 5.1.1425):
New features:
- VPN geolocation select: recent locations (PBL-10449)
- VPN Subview: button animation (PBL-10429)
Fixed issues:
- Unable to open Trusted networks if you close them by pressing esc (PBL-10623)
- In some cases, beta upgrade stuck in the "Waiting for restart" state (PBL-10626).
- VPN view resize issue: no vertical scrollbar (PBL-10604)
Release 19.0 Beta 10 (TOTAL 5.1.1426):
Fixed issues:
- Banking session failed to start (PBL-10716)
- Turn off protection UI stays running, 2nd turn off fails (PBL.-10722)
- Protection was disabled after startup (PBL-10746\SAFE_BUG-03844)
- VPN locations list wrong 'doubled' best location selection (PBL-10720)
- Changing VPN site when not connected causes fsmainui to hang (PBL-10682)
Password Manager browser extension beta release 5.0.185
Visual changes:
- Updated extension to use new F-Secure logos
- Color changes to improve consistency
- Increased resolution for some images
- Text size improvements
Fixed issues:
- Fixed an issue where the Mac standalone desktop client was showing unsupported features
- Now showing the correct default entry symbol when saving credentials using the extension
- Right-click now disabled in the extension's main window, excluding text fields
- Fixed HTML injection issue in Autofill menu
Other changes:
- Improvements to site compatibility for the Autofill feature