
Accepted Answer
Hi @Britta62
Welcome to the F-Secure Community page. Thank you for your post.
We only have English and Finnish language supported on the page, currently.
However, based on the issue described with FREEDOME and TV4, have you addressed the issue to Elisa?
It is recommended for you inform Elisa's technical support.
Thank you and stay safe.
Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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Felet är att F- secure köper datatrafik från IP- adresser som har rysk koppling( intressen).
Om Du gör ett Ip- test ( spelar inte så stor roll vilket), så kommer Du att märka att trafiken mynnar ut i servrar med ryska ( eller i vart fall från sovjetstater).
Sedan kriget bröt ut i Ryssland( Ukraina), så har fler företag valt att blockera all form av trafik därifrån.
Men det är inte hela sanningen,då många företag också har cookies- mestadels då spåringscookies,men även media trackers.
Så summan av detta är att playtjänsten tror att Du är utomlands- fastän Du fortfarande är i Sverige.
Så om jag vore dig så skulle jag välja en annan lev av dina VPN- Tjänster.
Hi @Thomasz29
Thank you for your comment.
Can you share with me a screenshot showing when you are connected to FREEDOME, and the server thinks you are in Russia? Can you share the result from when you connected to the Sweden location? You may attach a screenshot also.
On the other hand, FREEDOME is not available in Russia. You may go to these links for more information.
Not available | F-Secure FREEDOME VPN | F-Secure
Where can I buy F-Secure FREEDOME? | FREEDOME | Latest | F-Secure User Guides
And there are no virtual locations in Russia What are the virtual locations for FREEDOME VPN? | FREEDOME | Latest | F-Secure User Guides
And F-Secure as a company is not a public communication provider or operator, and therefore the referred Data Retention Directive does not apply to us Does F-Secure follow the EU data retention laws? | FREEDOME | Latest | F-Secure User Guides
You may also check our privacy policy from this link F-Secure FREEDOME VPN privacy policy | F-Secure
F-Secure FREEDOME VPN ensures the privacy of the user while browsing. FREEDOME will hide your IP address, block tracking cookies and prevent apps from sending information about you Preventing web sites from tracking you | FREEDOME | Latest | F-Secure User Guides
Kindly let me know if you require further assistance.
Thank you and stay safe.
Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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