Freedom not working towards Finland (Espoo) VPN adress blocked!!!

Dripa Posts: 1 New Member
edited May 2023 in F-Secure VPN

Adress is blocked, as a known vpn adress.

Accepted Answer

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 1,824 Community Manager
    Answer ✓

    Hi @FunnyFinn

    Our FREEDOME team is investigating this issue at the moment.

    However, regarding the issue with Cmore, the workaround is to change the location to Stockholm.

    Thank you and have a good day.


  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 1,824 Community Manager

    Hi @Dripa

    Welcome to the F-Secure Community page. Thank you for your post.

    We are consulting the issue with our FREEDOME team currently.

    We will get back to you once we have received feedback from them.

    Thank you and stay safe.

  • PiBen
    PiBen Posts: 1 Observer

    Same issue here. For instance and Yle Areena doesn’t work when usin VPN. Pls could you investigate this matter as myself and hundreds of other Finns are desperate to watch Finnish tv abroad.

    Thank you!

  • MarkusB
    MarkusB Posts: 8 Explorer

    Same with Viaplay. Luckily Viaplay can be used by using the Swedish IPs in Freedome.

    My guess is that Freedome's Finnish IPs have been blacklisted in some general VPN-blocking package since the issue is same with different broadcasters (Yle, Viaplay, etc.).

    I assume F-Secure can alter the IPs used for the VPN in Finland hence releasing the blockade for Freedome customers.

    Thank you for your fast response!

  • FunnyFinn
    FunnyFinn Posts: 1 Observer

    This issue is still going on for example with C-more and mtv katsomo almost 2 months later. What has the Freedome team done to solve this?? Please do something, otherwise have to change the vpn provider I guess.

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