Accepted Answer
Thanks, @Ukko for the comment.
Hi @malgamo. Thank you for your post.
The reason the subscription shows expired even after reinstalling is that the ID PROTECTION was uninstalled but the user data wasn't. Please follow the steps below.
- Firstly we would recommend exporting the passwords as a backup or else if you have synchronized with other devices that should be a backup as well https://help.f-secure.com/product.html#home/id-protection-windows/latest/en/id_81212-latest-en
- Use our Uninstallation tool and make sure (important) not to remove all products, but choose which product to remove. If you are using Windows please click here for the tool. Choose to remove ID Protection and ID Protection User data.
- Log in to your My F-Secure account.
- Navigate to ID PROTECTION.
- Release license from the affected device.
- Once removed you may reinstall back from your F-Secure account: https://help.f-secure.com/product.html#home/total/latest/en/id_110924-total-latest-en
- If the passwords do not load back please synchronized with your other device and the passwords may load back to your computer. If you need guidance on how to synchronize from your other device please click here.
Kindly let me know if this helps.
Thank you and stay safe.
Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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I would recommend making sure that the F-Secure ID Protection you are installing is part of F-Secure TOTAL.
(general) Steps to use F-Secure IDP as part of F-Secure TOTAL: Installing ID PROTECTION on Windows computers | TOTAL | Latest | F-Secure User Guides
And also make sure that this is the same F-Secure TOTAL account (the one that was renewed. That is, the My F-Secure portal has the correct information about the duration of the subscription).
// It's good to keep a "backup" copy of your stored passwords before doing anything.
Hi Ukko san,
Thank you for your reply.
The remainder license identified it as SAFE 4/7, FREEDOME 5/7, ID PRPTECTION 3/7 in My F-Secure.
It means I have a F-Secure TOTAL license,
I deleted device registration of SAFE and ID PROTECTION and reinstalled them in two PCs again.
I can register two PC's SAFE. But,
Two device registration of ID PROTECTION were not possible on My F-Secure
The indication of ID PROTECTION in two PCs are the expiration of the subscription, no synchronized, the purchase instruction yet.
Five contracts of ID PROTECTION before the problem occurrence become seven cases after the purchased device registration of SAFE and ID PROTECTION and installed it in two PCs only.
When the discussion is not Japanese, it is difficult for me.