Freedom VPN

babsan65 Posts: 1 Observer
edited April 2023 in Privacy VPN


Varför kan jag inte längre se TV4 play genom Freedom VPN när jag är i Turkiet?


Accepted Answer

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 1,862 Community Manager
    Answer ✓

    Hi @babsan65

    Welcome to our Community page. Thank you for your post.

    We only support English and Finnish language for our Community page for the time being.

    However, in regards to your issue, some programs on TV4 Play are geographically blocked (geoblocked) for rights reasons. From midsummer 2019 you can watch TV4 Play's programs throughout the EU and EEA. If TV4 Play thinks you are outside that area, this may be due to several reasons:

    * Your IP address is registered outside the EU or EEA.

    * You have the wrong settings in your proxy server

    Your IP address must be registered in an EU country. We use MaxMind to check where your IP address is registered. Check your IP address here . Some IP addresses of large companies are registered abroad, which makes them geoblocked. This also applies to many trains that use foreign IP addresses. If your IP address is incorrectly registered, you will need to contact your Internet Service Provider who will register your IP address correctly or give you a new one.

    If it still does not work, clearing the browser cache will usually resolve the issue .

    You may also check this link Freedom VPN and problems — F-Secure Community

    Kindly let me know if this helps.

    Thank you and stay safe.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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  • Si11en
    Si11en Posts: 2 New Member


    I'm having the same issue as "babsan65". It worked flawlessly for me up to 15th of June. Upon traveling abroad for my work August 28th 2022, we no longer can access TV4 Play.

    I have tried the instructions here:

    The instructions given in the above link don't work unfortunately.

    Are you able to give any assistance?

  • Si11en
    Si11en Posts: 2 New Member

    As an update, now it's no longer possible to view all content on SVT Play.

    Seems that VPN is getting less and less effective these days. Not sure if there's any reason to buy another subscription after this.

    What is being done to enable content for us that are citizens in a country but currently working abroad?

    The solution offered: it doesn't work anymore

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 1,862 Community Manager

    Hi @Si11en

    Thank you for your reply.

    May I know which location are you connected to watch SVT Play?

    The first thing you will need to check is your F-Secure FREEDOME program. Make sure that it is in Protection ON, and that you have chosen the Swedish server. If that is the case, then continue with the following:

    You sometimes need to restart your browser, after you have activated F-Secure FREEDOME, in order to make sure that the Browser is using the F-Secure FREEDOME network changes. This means that closing your Browser, and then reopening the Browser, should solve the situation.

    You may go to these links also to assist you.

    can't see svt play propgrams from spain — F-Secure Community

    SVTPLAY — F-Secure Community

    Has SVT blocked f-secure? — F-Secure Community

    Kindly let me know if you require further assistance.

    Thank you and stay safe.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
    🔐 Strengthening digital security through knowledge and collaboration
    🌐 Explore our User Guides | Knowledge Base for self-help resources
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  • MarkusB
    MarkusB Posts: 8 Explorer

    Freedome operators need to reset the IPs after a broadcaster blocks those. These would urgently need to be done also to Finnish IPs in Freedome.

  • Thomasz29
    Thomasz29 Posts: 13 Explorer

    Tycker att svaret på frågan redan har besvarats.( både i denna tråd och i andra).

    Jag har precis samma erfarenhet av Freedom- speciellt SVT- Play.

    På något udda sätt så tror playtjänsten att jag är utomlands( någonstans i ryssland), men detta är helt felaktigt.

    Trots då att jag har Freedom inställd på Sverige- så mynnar trafiken ut i ryssland hur som haver.

    Därav då också att Du inte kommer åt( blir nekad) tillträde till denna tjänst.

    Personligen så tycker jag att det är dålig stil av F- secure att dem fortfarande inte har gjort upp med sitt ryska arv.

    Många har glömt bort( rentutav förträngt) att Finland en gång i tiden vart ryskt.

    Jag personligen har fått växa upp under kalla kriget dagar( visserligen då mot slutet,men likväl)- då det fanns ett Öst resp Västtyskland,och att det råde visumtvång i hela eu. Samt att det forftarande fanns Warszawapakten.

    Det finns ju som sagt en anledning varför många skaffar dessa tjänster.

    Jag har det ur ett integritetsperpektiv.

    Många är kanske inte medvetna om detta,men det finns nästan ingen site idag som inte har

    ( fungerar) utan att Du måste godkänna cookies.

    Fast cookies finns det gott om- och dem absolut värsta som finns är alla dessa social- media

    ( reklam cookies).

    Om Du ex har noterat så får Du på olika sätt påträngande banners. Antingen då i webbläsaren, eller när Du söker efter något via en sökmotor- att det kommer upp all sköns reklam för dessa produkter.

    En del företag går steget längre- och kan även skicka ut till din e- post/ SMS, eller tom personligt adresserade reklamutskick.

    Så tyvärr så är svaret på frågan att helt enkelt välja en annan tjänstelev.

    Sålänge F- secure köper datatrafik från Ryssland( som är kärnan till problemet), så är denna tjänst värdelös.

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 1,862 Community Manager

    Hi @Thomasz29

    Thank you for your comment.

    Can you share with me a screenshot showing when you are connected to FREEDOME, and the server thinks you are in Russia? Can you share the result from when you connected to the Sweden location? You may attach a screenshot also.

    On the other hand, FREEDOME is not available in Russia. You may go to these links for more information.

    Not available | F-Secure FREEDOME VPN | F-Secure

    Where can I buy F-Secure FREEDOME? | FREEDOME | Latest | F-Secure User Guides

    And there are no virtual locations in Russia What are the virtual locations for FREEDOME VPN? | FREEDOME | Latest | F-Secure User Guides

    Regarding the issue that you are not able to access SVT when connected to the FREEDOME with Sweden location, you may go to this link to guide you SVTPLAY — F-Secure Community

    And F-Secure as a company is not a public communication provider or operator, and therefore the referred Data Retention Directive does not apply to us Does F-Secure follow the EU data retention laws? | FREEDOME | Latest | F-Secure User Guides

    You may also check our privacy policy from this link F-Secure FREEDOME VPN privacy policy | F-Secure

    F-Secure FREEDOME VPN ensures the privacy of the user while browsing. FREEDOME will hide your IP address, block tracking cookies and prevent apps from sending information about you Preventing web sites from tracking you | FREEDOME | Latest | F-Secure User Guides

    Kindly let me know if you require further assistance.

    Thank you and stay safe.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
    🔐 Strengthening digital security through knowledge and collaboration
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