Issues with VPN

As I have experienced your service is blocked from many common services( websites).
I myself use Android ( on my tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 SMT-505).
What I've discovered is that it enables me to use a common searchengine like,or many other common sites like DHL.
What I've discovered is that startpage request a captcha code to proceed futher.
But what I've discovered with DHL is that they permanently block me from using their website.
But in some cases I get a error code( generated from Firefox).
After I've done a IP- test ( from Who is my IP), I've doscovered an astonised experience-
That many of the IP- adresses are marked as suspected/ or as potential boots.
When I dig futher many of this services are in some way linked or assosiated with Russia
( not directly in Russia,but linked with former SSR states- wich may have Russian interests).
Accepted Answer
Hi @Thomasz29
Thank you for reaching out to F-Secure Community
What I've discovered is that startpage request a captcha code to proceed futher.
But what I've discovered with DHL is that they permanently block me from using their website.
But in some cases I get a error code( generated from Firefox).
You can read this article regards to the issue that you facing above:
After I've done a IP- test ( from Who is my IP), I've doscovered an astonised experience-
That many of the IP- adresses are marked as suspected/ or as potential boots.
When I dig futher many of this services are in some way linked or assosiated with Russia
( not directly in Russia,but linked with former SSR states- wich may have Russian interests).
We understand your concern with regard to your privacy but rest assured, F-Secure follows EU data retention laws. You may read the information below:
Does F-Secure follow the EU data retention laws? | FREEDOME | Latest | F-Secure User Guides
As I mentioned earlier it seems that many sites nowdays block ( don't want) any traffic from russian ip- adresses.
Because however when I've done a ip check ( for ex. the current one leads me to russian servers.
So just to mention some error code that I've got: #18.a785655f.1661601463.448def04.
But at the other hand I also was blocked from (, because they detected that I was
(What the system detected that I was abroad)- and because of that it was disabled for me to stream some material( because of regional restrictions).
But if I disable VPN( close down a window), I can reach all sites.
So either way the only conclution that I can draw is that there are specific sites that don't want any russian internet traffic. But also at many public WIFI- spots( such as public library,or spots that is sponsored at many shoping malls)
So why sholud I then buy VPN services wich disables me from entering their sites because of their policy to russian interests?
Because however I don't want to be tracked( followed), but also that this service enables me from searches ( materials) wich is only accesable abroad.