Tracking attempts

GostaSundqvist Posts: 1 New Member
edited July 2022 in Privacy VPN

Counter for Tracking attempts blocked stopped working, its stuck in the same number. How this works, can the software send information to f-secure. BTW any idea what number average customer has in one month or week?

Accepted Answer

  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @GostaSundqvist

    F-Secure FREEDOME does not block any tracking from HTTPS traffic, because that would require a man-in-the-middle attack against HTTPS, and the related security risks outweigh the possible privacy gains. FREEDOME only prevents HTTP traffic, and many sites these days use HTTPS traffic. You can read more here

    Try the following steps to verify with Tracker Mapper that the Tracking Protection is working as intended:

    1. Open F-Secure FREEDOME
    2. Turn FREEDOME protection ON
    3. Go to the Tracking protection tab and make sure the feature is enabled
    4. Click Learn more and click Show tracker mapper
    5. Click Start a new log
    6. Launch any of your Internet browsers and go to
    7. Go back to FREEDOME Tracker Mapper and check the result. It can take between 5-30 seconds before the tracking attempt is shown in the Tracker Mapper

    If the Tracker Mapper does not show any tracking attempts even after visiting the F-Secure test tracking site, re-install FREEDOME and try again. 

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