Tips to use Windows XP after the End-of-Life

I collected some tips how to use Windows XP after the End-of-Life. It is important to say that it is not recommended and might be a bad idea to still use it, as you cannot fully protect the system anymore. If you have any chance, upgrade the system as soon as possible. The tips might buy you some time, but at some point in near future, you will need to get rid of XP anyway ;-).
- Backup everything
Even with all tips you will get, you cannot eliminate the risks, you can just mitigate them, so have a backup if anything breaks on the system. This of course is valid for all systems and operating systems
- Do not use IE
XP comes with Internet Explorer, the latest version was 8. Using the internet with an old, unpatchable browser is a big risk you should avoid. Use Firefox or Chrome, they still support XP and being maintained.
- Remove 3rd party apps
Remove Java, Adobe Flash and Adobe Reader if possible, those are the biggest attack vector on XP systems.
- Use XP in a virtual machine
If something breaks, it just happens in a VM which can be easily restored.
- Disconnect from the internet
Best way to use XP if you still have to is to cut it off from the internet. Use network segmentation to allow only traffic which is really necessary for the system.
- Disconnect from production network
Use network segmentation to allow only traffic which is really necessary for the system.
- No confidential tasks
Do not use the outdated system for any kind of confidential tasks like online banking.
- Shut down when not needed
If the system is not needed 24/7, shut it down whenever you can. It will minimize the attack vector.