F-Secure causing Youtube Videos to be Blocked on Chrome (Mac)
The F-Secure Chrome extension version 1.0.1354 is causing youtube videos to be blocked. I get a message stating "Video unavailable This video is restricted. Please check the Google Workspace administrator and/or the network administrator restrictions." even though I am at home on my home network.
The issue resolves once the extension is disabled. The issue does not occur with Safari.
F-Secure Safe version 18.0
Accepted Answer
Hi, @JamesL!
Could you please share if you are using an adult or child profile with SAFE? The easiest way to check if by opening main UI and checking what it says in he upper-right area. It will say "Protecting Child" in case of a child profile.
And second part that I am interested in is whether you have "Restricted Mode" enabled in Chrome. I wonder if it lets you disable it right there.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards, Arthur
F-Secure Technology, Mac Team
Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (and I am not the Mac user).
Unless this is something about specific with F-Secure SAFE for Mac, could you check whether any Parental Control (Family Rules) are enabled/applied or used withing your account/installation?
If so, maybe this is part of functionality. For example, Google Search (and other supported search engines) and Youtube switched to "Safe Mode" (safe search).
There are some discussions about. Some of them (feature request / topics):
- F-Secure and YouTube "Restrcited" playback on Gooogle Chrome — F-Secure Community
- Content blocker causing YouTube to move to restricted mode — F-Secure Community
- F-Secure SAFE content filtering should not set YouTube restricted mode on Google Chrome — F-Secure Community
And your previous experience: Solved: Youtube Subscription Playback Issue — F-Secure Community
This time, situation is a bit more complicated?
Can you check if "Safe Mode" is enabled with Google/Youtube during access to restricted videos?
// in fact, I am not sure how this option called. But I referred to something like that: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/174084?hl=en and https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/510?hl=en
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