Installing browser extensions in FS ID Guardian PC 5.2 beta 2

I just installed FS ID Guardian PC 5.2 beta 2

How do I install the browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox?

Accepted Answer

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star
    Answer ✓

    It appears that you do not need the beta versions of the browser extensions. You can search and install the standard commercial versions for those browsers. If needed you can paste the authorization code in the appropriate box. The Chrome extension also works with Brave.

    Once done the install buttons are still grayed out if you have only the portable versions.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    Maybe your Firefox / Google Chrome installed as portable applications. And so fs id guardian cannot find it to open (with download place).

    Can this be? If so, I am not sure how to install the extension in this situation.

    I can't check right now as none of these browsers are installed on my system.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks Ukko.

    That is the case. I do not recall seeing the install buttons grayed out in such a case.

    I need the password_manager-5.2.xx-fx.xpi for Firefox and similar for Chrome.

    How would I get them?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    It's good that you managed to find a solution.

    In case if 'beta'-extension is needed or you want it, then fs id guardian installation folder with three .json files. At least, for Chrome (app.fskey-chrome) it is quite clear how to use and find beta addon on their store by using content of file. I just installed it to portable Chrome (or even Chromium) by this way (did not check how it works though).

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks for your input Ukko

    Looking into the json files you refer to they talk about messaging and not functionality.

    I was under the impression that the browser extensions are something different like .xpi files for Firefox.

    I have previously got the Firefox extension file for the browsing protection from support when the normal install did not work for a specific version of Firefox.

    Please do try to check if you got it working.

    What is the name of the beta add on you have?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    Looking into the json files you refer to they talk about messaging and not functionality.

    Yes, sorry for obscuring. Also, this was more related to Google Chrome (and? browsers with support their extensions). Since it looks like it is not possible to find beta extensions using general search (not indexed) - I supposed that was intention of F-Secure team. So, I just do not want to create a somewhat breaking guide.

    The public one is

    This is stable extension. However, mentioned .json file with some more options (where 'this stable' also presented). So, it is possible to modify URL.

    Installed extensions on my system - Password Manager by F-Secure (beta).

    With Firefox - perhaps, it is not possible to use this kind of trick to find 'web'-based place to download extension. But I will play a bit today later.
