How do I remove an entry in the "Monitoring" section

PAULELDRED Posts: 1 New Member
edited March 2022 in Password Vault

I have an entry in the monitoring section and have taken appropriate action - how do I delete that particular entry so that it doesn't show again?

Accepted Answer

  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee
    Answer ✓


    You can delete a Monitoring entry from your ID Protection using the below instructions;

    Via mobile

    1. Open F-Secure ID Protection
    2. Select Monitored items
    3. Select the email that you would like to remove
    4. Press the bin at the bottom left of the screen to remove the email.

    Note: Main contact email cannot be removed unless all other email has been removed.

    Via web

    1. Login to
    2. Click Total Apps
    3. Under F-Secure ID Protection select Open ID monitoring
    4. Click on the 3 dots on the right of the email that you would like to remove
    5. Press the bin to remove

    Note: Main contact email cannot be removed unless all other email has been removed.

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