What does this Message Mean? Was it a Hack?

Hi Guys,
We got this message on our console that just popped up after Freedome quit unexpectedly.
From what understand with my very limited console reading skills, it appears to be simply logging the error, though it's quit unexpectedly before and we've never had this pop up.
What concerns me is the Chmod specifically... as im not sure if thats a hack or not.
We've restarted the laptop and freedome is up and running but just want to make sure its nothing bad.
If it IS something bad, what should we do?
Accepted Answer
We have not come across such error on our end before but we're wondering whether something was added to the launching of Freedome into the login script.
Regarding the chmod, it is fine to have such chmod for the log dir of Freedome. It is just ensuring that only current user can read, write and delete that directory. No need to worry!
On why Freedome unexpected shutdown, we can only provide the information if we collect the Freedome logs. We are also very interested in the crash and to know if this happened in the latest Freedome version. If you don't mind to get us the log for further investigation, let me know and I will reach out to you via email.
Is this Freedome VPN subscription still valid or does it show expired?
Did you happen to get this error again after that incidence? You might need to login (If it's a TOTAL subscription) or re-enter your Freedome code if you happen to get this error again as it looks like it might logged you out of the program as well.
For us to get you the exact possible cause, we would need you to contact our support and provide the diagnostic log for further investigations.
Hi @Jaims
Is this Freedome VPN subscription still valid or does it show expired?
^ it is still valid
Did you happen to get this error again after that incidence? You might need to login (If it's a TOTAL subscription) or re-enter your Freedome code if you happen to get this error again as it looks like it might logged you out of the program as well.
^ so far nope.. we restarted and connected to freedome and it worked just fine
For us to get you the exact possible cause, we would need you to contact our support and provide the diagnostic log for further investigations.
^ I see thanks.. do you think the chmod is something to be concerned about that i should file a support ticket for? thanks!
@Jaims Thanks for the confirmation!
We are also very interested in the crash and to know if this happened in the latest Freedome version. If you don't mind to get us the log for further investigation, let me know and I will reach out to you via email.
Sure! I have the logs and can send it to you when you email me. was considering attaching the logs here but didnt know if that was a good idea :)