Transfer one terminal PC or Smartphone from one user to another one of the same account

Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Maybe I didn't get the right point of your concern. I will try to rebuild potential situation.
- your solution is F-Secure SAFE.
- your My F-Secure Account with some users (profiles).
- you want switch "licence" from 'one' user in account to 'another' user under active device installation.
I am not sure if there are quite visible reason to do so... and I think my rebuilding is wrong. But, it should be possible to perform by ("Switch user") functionality. Open main user interface, find a place where username with "protected" words - choose it and there should be "Switch user" option.
Alternatively, you even can to "Log out" and to use another My F-Secure Account. Described there: How to transfer or change device protected by F-Secure SAFE from one My F-Secure account to another - F-Secure Community
But probably your situation is about something else. Or about another F-Secure solution.
Could you explain a bit more about your trouble / ask?