"Password protection" subscription, move from "F-Secure Key" to "F-Secure ID PROTECTION" on mobile

Hi. We have a subscription to "F-Secure Password protection", started some years ago. We use it on PC and on mobile trough "F-Secure Key" App. However, "F-Secure Key" App will be discontinued and replaced by "F-Secure ID PROTECTION" App. Is there a guide step-by-steb to activate "F-Secure ID PROTECTION" on mobile, in sync with our "Password protection" subscription? Thanks in advance.
Accepted Answer
Sorry for my reply.
Hi @Jaims . So, the "F-Secure ID PROTECTION" App cannot be freely used with a "F-Secure Password Protection" subscription. If it is correct, we can use "Password Prtection" software on PC and MAC, but there's no solution to take advantage of "Password Protection" subscription on mobile device, without the purchase of a new ID PROTECTION App subscription.
I think this Online Guide (provided by Jaims) should describe "KEY-to-IDProtection" for most platforms. Mobile devices: https://help.f-secure.com/product.html#home/id-protection-windows/latest/en/task_5DBBB0AE40AD41319C6FEA25D54EF17E-latest-en
However, indeed need to create an account (for ID Protection) - but it can be still trial, probably. During which you can 'migrate'.
But I confused by some points (such as if I understand things right), another discussion (https://community.f-secure.com/en/discussion/124014/moving-subscription-from-key-to-id-protection#latest) and also by your mention of "Password Protection". And I missed it at first.
Password Protection (wording) is applied to business solution / version of F-Secure KEY. Does your experience is about business one solution; or maybe provided by company, organization (or so things)? If so, maybe there can be completely another answers.
There is an article about:
I have F-Secure KEY subscription. How can I switch to F-Secure ID PROTECTION? - F-Secure Community
However, referenced article for the third step ("""After taking a trial, if you wish to continue using F-Secure ID PROTECTION, you can transfer the data in F-Secure KEY to F-Secure ID PROTECTION.""") is not accessible.
Perhaps, good if you will contact their official Support channel. For example, web-chat: https://www.f-secure.com/en/home/support/contact
This way, you will receive a proper answer about routine. And, also, you can point out this "broken" how-to guide to them.
Yes, I mentioned the article as an explanation for the fact that at the moment there is no clear description of how to proceed in this (your) situation. And the only one that is close to the topic has a broken reference to another article. And this is the reason why it would be nice to contact their official Support channel.
Is there a guide step-by-steb to activate
Perhaps, such a guide should be available.
Hi @DejarIT
F-Secure ID Protection can be installed on your android device if you already have a valid TOTAL or a standalone ID Protection subscription.
Kindly see the steps here How do I install F-Secure ID Protection on an Android or iOS device? - F-Secure Community but if you have no valid subscription yet, you may use the steps in the link provided above by @Ukko to create an account for yourself.
You can also read more here Moving from KEY to ID PROTECTION | ID PROTECTION | Latest | F-Secure User Guides
Hi @Jaims . So, the "F-Secure ID PROTECTION" App cannot be freely used with a "F-Secure Password Protection" subscription. If it is correct, we can use "Password Prtection" software on PC and MAC, but there's no solution to take advantage of "Password Protection" subscription on mobile device, without the purchase of a new ID PROTECTION App subscription.
Hi @DejarIT
Yes, @Ukko is absolutely correct. Password Protection is the business solution version of our password manager and cannot be synced with consumer version of KEY/ID Protection.
If you wish to take ID Protection into use, you will need to subscribe separately or take the trial version which can later be upgraded into a paid package so far you sync it with more than one device.
Hi @Jaims
Actually, the old "F-Secure KEY" mobile App could be sync with an "F-Secure Password Protection" business subscription. However, the F-Secure Support wrote to me that ID PROTECTION needs a subscription purchase, but there's not a business version of the product.
Thanks all for your answers.