From single FREEDOME to multiple TOTAL -

Gkk Posts: 2 New Member
edited November 2021 in Privacy VPN


My subscription to FREEDOME expired a couple of days ago on my iPad. I decided to upgrade to TOTAL on all our devices, so I paid for 7 licences and am now trying to get them installed on them all. Not without problems...

When I try to reinstall FREEDOME on my iPad by way of clicking the link in the e-mail that I sent myself, it takes me straight to the app, tells me that my subscription ran out on 12 April and gives me options to resubscribe but only against payment. I deleted and reinstalled the app but it still gives me the same message. How do I make it find/acknowledge my new subscription? It doesn't give me any log in form to my F-secure account either, which it should I think.

The initial FREEDOME subscription and the TOTAL subscription were bought with different accounts. Could this be the problem?

Any ideas anyone?

Thanks in advance!


Accepted Answer


  • Gkk
    Gkk Posts: 2 New Member

    Thanks to both you Lucas and to Sethu!

    I had not come across this info about grace periods before, but it explains both my problem to install FREEDOME as part of my TOTAL subscription and the fact that though it has expired, it is still running😅!

    So, I’ll wait a few more days and then

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