Updating passwords with Import

martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

Say you have a hundred passwords in your vault and you have ID Protection and ID Guardian.

If you update the passwords, user ID's or site URL's in one how can you get the updates to the other?

You cannot sync between the two because they are not compatible.

If you try to export and import passwords you get the message that the passwords already exist.



  • Hi @martink

    Yes, the ID Protection sync data feature doesn't work with third party Password Manager. Alternatively, you can have importing and exporting feature available for ID protection. You can refer this help page to know more information.

    However, at the moment, the ID protection export feature doesn't work on desktop environment and our backend team is already aware of it and actively working on resolving these issue.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks for your input @Sethu

    Sorry to say it does not help.

    I've already earlier got confirmation that sync does not work between ID Protection and ID Guardian.

    Just tried in v. 5.0 in ID Protection and had no problem to export passwords on W10.

    (How do you get the version using the GUI in ID Protection?)

    The problem I have is updating passwords. I have not managed to get Sync to work between ID Guardian and ID Guardian in another PC. Therefore I have used Export and Import. However that cannot be used to update existing data in the vault. In my case it is the URL's I want to update. The ID's and the passwords are the same. When I try to import I get

    So you cannot update.

    you get the same message if you try to import the contents of an empty vault.

    You cannot clear the vault from the GUI.

    Is manual update the only way to change the existing entries in the vault?

    Is uninstall tool with ID data selected the only way to clear the vault?

  • zuuhis79
    zuuhis79 Posts: 21 Explorer

    Well, it takes quite a long time, but deleting those entries one-by-one is a way. Update feature when importing would be cool, if f-secure is listening. Maybe prompting on each password as an option.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Educate me please: How do you delete an entry.

  • zuuhis79
    zuuhis79 Posts: 21 Explorer

    At least with desktop version it does like this:

    select entry on password list -> edit -> delete -> yes

    And do the same with every entry on list. Even though after I did this and imported edited .fsk file, all my passwords were synced from other devices, so I had all passwords duplicated. Then I needed to find out which were the wrong ones and delete them again.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks, now I see it. In My version it is Remove.

    I take it removes the whole entry and not just password.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    Sorry for my reply. I think that "updating" by import will break current design of things. For example, it will be not an import, but 'sync' or 'update' indeed. Perhaps this also will make the import process more difficult (for example, because of the comparison of the current and imported content. Not only "id", but password / note / so. And then the situation with the most updated information will have to be handled somehow. Or the imported one should always overwrite the current one.

    Also it must mean that the password itself or another part of the entry is somehow "analyzed" during import (more than locally as with Password analysis; and surely more then just blindly fill imported 'base' to KEY client). I mean, probably on current time it is operated by "id" - so if id is present - then you have the experience described. Password or other content are not really stored or double checked during import probably.

    Perhaps, the official response was about the matter and meanings like: you can treat and think of F-Secure ID Protection and FS IS Guardian as two different software. So, this way indeed ""sync data feature doesn't work with third party Password Manager"" -  because each one is a third party to the other.

    you get the same message if you try to import the contents of an empty vault. You cannot clear the vault from the GUI.Is manual update the only way to change the existing entries in the vault? Is uninstall tool with ID data selected the only way to clear the vault?

    I think, that on current day - F-Secure Uninstallation Tool ( Support tools | F-Secure (f-secure.com) ) with chosen "User Data" is the only way. But, probably, there can be changes later.

    I didn't understand just one point - did you mean that if you delete an entry from the UI - the import will still not add the "deleted" entry with the updated state? If so - it is a bit strange.

    Otherwise, if both 'user data' are about one IDs of entries - then import is indeed will not overwrite them. But only show that "import" entries are already there.

    I am not sure if manual 'transferring' localstorage file is supported, but maybe this is also an option for "manual" own updating (in addition, to import after some tweaks - whether to edit exported file; or to clear user data; or to delete only one entry). But if so, it is also can be done just manually. Perhaps, "sync" functionality is a premium (paid) functionality because of this a kind of "bonus" and less steps to perform and troubles about.


  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks Ukko

    I understand that  F-Secure ID Protection and FS IS Guardian are two different software, as far as the sync goes. So, this way indeed ""sync data feature doesn't work with third party Password Manager"" - because each one is a third party to the other. That is the answer I have got earlier

    However, as far the export and import goes they are the same product, ie you choos This product when selecting the source.

    I am used to update or import in a distributed environment what is there everywhere. You experience and preference may be different.

    Like the settings on my banking client are the same no matter which device I use to access the bank. If I change them on one all will have the changes.

    Like the backup and restore bookmarks in Firefox. Restore will replace everything that is there and the user gets a warning about that.

    I can manually delete all entries in the GUI, removes removes the complete entry, and after that I can import another set with new values for those that were there. Whether you do that or use the uninstall tool depends on the number of entries: which is less work.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    However, as far the export and import goes they are the same product, ie you choos This product when selecting the source.

    Yes, indeed. But just because there are "beta" and "stable" versions of the one solution in fact. However, probably at some point export and import can differ for beta and stable (but should not be a general case).

    I just mean that "import/export" functionality is not about updating or 'syncing'. Otherwise, it should be a completely different functionality and possibly with some "break points" for the current design itself.

    When you import something and "and there is already an imported entry here" - it should be skipped. Otherwise, duplicate in the list (if to add it with another "id") or two entries with one ID (impossible?!). If during "import" there should be updating - then need to perform analyzing content itself (passwords and so on) - what probably not as how currently it working. Then, it will replace "premium" sync itself.

    Mentioned things with bank/browsers - something like account-based. So, changes are synced (as paid sync functionality with F-Secure ID Protection). The main trouble that beta/stable are not compatible to sync with each other (expected). Another trouble is "inability" to update by import (but maybe expected too, because import is not designed for this task).

    Anyway, there are indeed plenty ways to play around and 'keep' entries with changes.


  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thank you Ukko

    This question is now solved. I know how the import works and how to update entries.

This discussion has been closed.