Probably being hacked

Hello, so I have little (maybe big) problem, specifically I'm being hacked by someone. Last night I was doing some stuff on my laptop, then my screen went freeze, I could only move mouse cursor but later I couldn't even move the cursor, when I stopped holding mouse, the cursor started to move by itself (hacker was moving it probably) and was doing some stuff, I quickly managed to turn off my laptop. When I started my laptop again there was some Windows update going on, I let it be, then the Windows launched properly, I launched VPN Freedome and nothing was happening from that moment. But I still think that I have someone who is in my laptop.. I also used virus scan and full computer scan but it didn't find any harmful files. What should I do? Please help, I'll be very thankful.
Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Last night I was doing some stuff on my laptop, then my screen went freeze, I could only move mouse cursor but later I couldn't even move the cursor, when I stopped holding mouse, the cursor started to move by itself
up to this point - in principle, it could be "unintentional" freezing and system overload. There were not enough resources to cope with all the tasks and this turned into a certain thread and queue. Then, when you have already stopped doing something, the system decided to perform the previous "tried" one.
However and but...
(hacker was moving it probably) and was doing some stuff, I quickly managed to turn off my laptop
Was it really something meaningful? I mean, is it really strict actions and not at all what you tried to do? In the context that it was an obvious attempt to control the system and open some applications or perform some actions (unexpected for you)?
Since this did not happen later (?) - if we consider the "dangerous" ways, then compromised system remote control functionality (it would be nice to check what settings you have in this regard), or malware with an ability to remotely control system by some commands (means potential presence or temporary presence of malware).
Just because full scan did not find something; and real-time protection was not useful. Also, mentioning Windows updates received shortly thereafter - maybe this is a coincidence and just hangs.
However, I could to recommend to contact official support of your AV solution. If F-Secure: Contact F-Secure support | F-Secure (
Maybe they can to manage and assist with a proper investigation about potentially suspicious events and triggers of malicious activities in your system during this situation.
In that moment I realized how helpless we are before the face of cyber attacks...
Yes, indeed. This is the very point of such situations. When you meet something like that, you understand how serious everything can be. It's good that relatively often this will be a coincidence, and not some kind of disaster. At least, if you with some basic habits of Internet security and common sense in general.
I would say that two things are pretty versatile:
- use backups. I mean - create them, use and store them securely and wisely. More good to decide what the most important things to backup and what need to be with "copies".
- reduce any unnecessary data on the web. do not provide, do not put, do not use. If there are no enough reasons and sure about - good to keep old school ways. Otherwise, there can be some bogus data for fun. The Internet can be very interesting and useful even with little information/data from you.
Probably, helpful with meanings like: you can always restore some data (which may be damaged or disappeared); there are less entry points for trouble. In addition, I think most of the companies and authorities are currently with huge scenarios to help their users with any strange stories - so, other sides (of recovery) should be mostly on their own per your request.