1-year Freedom VPN from Chip.de Christmas calendar already expired.

Hello all and hello customer service, if you might read this,
First I am completely new in this forum, so my apology if I make mistakes.
I have got a 1-year F-Secure FREEDOME VPN from Chip.de Christmas calendar but it tells me that is is expiring by end of the day now after 4 weeks.
Did I something wrong at installation?
I got the special download .exe for the Freedom VPN and installed it without an error. I do not get a separate key to enter.
I have created an account and followed each step. The VPN works great so far but I could not test it that much.
What do I have to do to extend the FREEDOME VPN service to get the full year?
BR, major7079
Hello @major7079 and welcome to the F-Secure Community!
I can assure you that I and my German-speaking colleagues will be checking that for you.
You can expect to hear from us soon.
Dear @major7079 ,
We've been able to get to the bottom of this issue and we came into conclusion that there were few things that you did incorrectly in order to claim the 1-year subscription fo F-Secure Freedome.
First of all, I've checked your email address internally and it seems that you've created a 30-days free trial account for F-Secure TOTAL on 23rd of December 2020. This explains why F-Secure FREEDOME was valid on your computer only for 30 days. During the duration of your trial account, you were also able to use our VPN program, because F-Secure TOTAL combines, among other 2 programs, F-Secure FREEDOME. Creating a 30-days trial account was in your case unnecessary.
You also wrote that:
I got the special download .exe for the Freedom VPN and installed it without an error. I do not get a separate key to enter.
It doesn't seem right that you didn't receive any license key to activate F-Secure FREEDOME. Please take a look at the steps below what you had to do in order to claim the subscription code.
- Open the present from the 24th od December on the website: https://www.chip.de/events/adventskalender
- On this site click on the red button diesen Aktionslink
- Click Continue to receive your subscription code
- Copy, have the code ready for the next step and click Download.
- Now select the device of your choice on the next page and follow the instructions to activate your protection.
It seems that you actually had to generate the subscription code to activate this 1-year subscription.
Sorry to inform you, but the number of registration has reached it's limit and the campaign is not available anymore.
Should you, however, generate the code from the step 3, please inform me about that.
I hope that the above was helpful and informative.
Have a good day!
Nowadays the chip download page is not accessible any more.
But I have got the download exe file last year. Is that the one you were suggesting me to download?
Does this .exe contains a serial key or code?
if this is the right one what do I have to do to activate the 1-year license? Or is this impossible already because of the limits you mentioned.
This would be really frustrating to stay up til midnight to open the calendar and finally not getting the present I was looking for because of so many steps and activation rules.
Dear @major7079 ,
Let me try to answer some of your questions.
Nowadays the chip download page is not accessible any more.
Please be aware that access to the campaigns-page is limited to visitors coming from www.chip.de and the promotion is only valid for Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The number of registration has reached it's limit and the campaign is not available anymore.
Does this .exe contains a serial key or code?
I'm not sure what you mean exactly. The proper way of making the program work on your computer was to receive a license code from Chip.de and then entering the code in the program under "Subscription" tab to extend it. There was no special .exe file.