Yle Areena watching for finnish only profram not working anymore since today ?

Accepted Answer
Hi @Seashell
We received a confirmation at about 10am UTC that the service has now been restored.
Some of our Freedome VPN users have also confirmed this that Yle Areena is back! Kindly reboot your device if you experience any glitches as we continue to monitor from our end.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Hello @Widescreen111 and welcome to F-Secure Community! 👋
Yle has blocked VPN usage, so that their programs can no longer be accessed with VPN, including F-Secure Freedome VPN. We can, unfortunately, do nothing to change this, as it is purely Yle's decision.
However, according to this article: https://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2018/02/14/digitreenit-miksi-kannattaa-hankkia-yle-tunnus if you register for an Yle Tunnus (username and password) you can watch Yle Areena content in EU countries as long as your home address is in Finland.
Same thing happened to me. Yle Areena was working fine with F-Secure Freedome until couple of days ago, but now it seems to have stopped working.
The link that Lucas gave was from two years ago, so obviously it wasn’t a problem for F-Secure VPN, since Yle Areena was working fine until now.
So it’s probably true what Widescreen111 wrote about F-Secure’s VPN server getting blacklisted by Yle.
I’d also like to see F-Secure finding a workaround for that.
I have stumbled across this issue as well. I have been using Freedome VPN over the past year 2020 watching Yle Areena „Finland Only“ restricted content and it stopped working two days ago. According Yle announcement to block content due to copyright reasons was announced in 2018 already so why would it change first now in 2021? I also suspect and believe that this has more likely to do with blacklisting Freedome public static IP-address(es) from being served content to.
Is there anything you guys at Freedome are able to do in order to fix this issue? My primary use of Freedome VPN solution is and was up until now to enable Yle Areena content in continental EU-zone.
I just wrote about this sad issue to the Finnish forum of F-secure.
I received yesterday an answer from F-secure, saying that "we are aware of this problem. It looks like YLE has changed something.
Living in NL my primary use of Freedome is as well to watch YLE Areena and live broadcasts from Finland. Unfortunately I have still a year over of Freedome, since I bought it last time for two years. :(
Thank you all for your feedback and replies.
It seems that our Freedome Support team is aware of this situation and they all are working with the responsible parties to have it fixed.
Should there be any update on that issue, you can expect to hear from us.
Thank you for the understanding.