ziggo safe online cannot be put on my computer .
What can I do to download Ziggo safe online ?
I get the message :
counts-emea.f-secure.com heeft de verbinding geweigerd
( meaing : refused by ... )
I really have no idea how to solve the probem, can you please advice me ?
My computer :
Windows 10 home computer, 64 bits, browser chrome., 5 months old !
Kind regards,
( the Netherlands )
Accepted Answer
Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
If such a trouble still exists, it would be good to know a little more information. For example, how did you try to download it? Through its web-portal (account)? "My Safe Online" (or "Mijn Safe Online") is for Ziggo probably.
Also, for example, is it impossible to install the software following the instructions (brief overview) here: Ziggo Safe Online installeren | Klantenservice | Ziggo
If it was not local internal trouble on server side - then maybe you could try to use another browser (Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer - that, perhaps, already installed on Windows 10).
Thank you for your answer, I think f secure has nothing to do with it, but some settings in my Windows firewall or somewhere else om my computer . When I de-actived the firewall I was not able to do the download either.
Neither when I tried an other browser ( edge) .
I am about to give up helas ...
Sorry for my late reply.
Thank you for your answer, I think f secure has nothing to do with it, but some settings in my Windows firewall or somewhere else om my computer . When I de-actived the firewall I was not able to do the download either.
Neither when I tried an other browser ( edge) .
Actually, you can try to find the reasons for the connection error. But since this can be quite complex, it is difficult for me to recommend specific actions. Especially if it concerns only one website or directly one resource when trying to download software. But if your experience is about some devices on your network - maybe good to check if the installer can be downloaded to another device, even if it is a mobile device (thus, trouble will be limited to Windows 10 home computer's settings rather than to global network trouble of router or ISP).
Also, I tried public available Ziggo pages (and downloads) and it was possible to download installer (for me) at the time. However, this is not a reliable point - because I do not know what steps are designed to use Ziggo branded solution and what steps you have tried.
But in any case, you can try to reach their official support. I mean, Ziggo support channel for this solution. They may be able to double-check the situation and assist with the downloading trouble.
If this option is not available. Official F-Secure Support channels (for example, web-chat) are available here: Contact F-Secure support | F-Secure (f-secure.com)
At least, most likely that ""counts-emea.f-secure.com"" is owned by F-Secure and trouble with connection to this domain can be addressed by them. Or, they may suggest steps to change something in the settings to avoid connection troubles in your browser (refused connection).
Good that situation is sorted!
Just as my own feelings about disabled(?) Firewall: F-Secure solution (maybe branded too) should utilize Windows Firewall (with some tweaks around). It is good to use Firewall. By default - there should not be too much incompatibilities with common use. Just in case, if you did not enable it back.
If your experience was about third party firewall - maybe good to tune up it for compatibility between software applications and system. However, I could not suggest something (because depends on many things).
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