F-secure Freedom wont start. Windows. 10.

Accepted Answer

  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Nahubuzotrolotor

    If you are facing issues starting F-Secure Freedome VPN, we kindly recommend you to reinstall the program.

    Click here to see the steps since you are on F-Secure TOTAL subscription.

    Download the installer here: https://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/downloads

    Enable kill switch and allow connections in trusted network.

    1. Open Freedome VPN
    2. Click Settings
    3. Turn on automatic killswitch
    4. Click Allow connections to other devices in trusted network
    5. Select your network and click Save


  • Kulta
    Kulta Posts: 1 New Member

    Det går inte att Installera säkerhet program för Windows 10

  • Nahubuzotrolotor
    Nahubuzotrolotor Posts: 3 New Member

    htt [X] ps://youtu. [X] be/Mc6B0W9j1vo

  • Nahubuzotrolotor
    Nahubuzotrolotor Posts: 3 New Member

    OK... so my problem is solved.

    What I did is, I uninstalled the FreedomVPN app which i downloaded through my f-secure client panel and I downloaded the "Try now free for 5 days" one. After I installed the trial version, I activated it using my f-secure licence.

    That's it. Thank you for your help, Ladies and Gentelmens.

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