Can't connect to Community without VPN

Accepted Answers
Thank you for bringing this to our notice.
We have had some complaints where some users are unable to access our services in Iran and some other countries where strict restrictions have been implemented. This situation most time last for a few hours, few days or few months and would start to work again.
In fact, this affects similarly our competitors, and it is not tied to only one country. We kindly suggest the use of VPN for the time being.
Hello @Jaims
Thank You for the information
So may i ask where these restrictions coming from i mean this is your host and service after all and it should be you who can restrict connections with IPs from specific countries etc.. right?
I'm doing fine with Freedome tho and am almost with VPN 24/7 so that should be fine
thanks again!
It seems like IP Banning
I've asked 4 other people from different ISPs to check if they get the same result and they do.
so 4 people different IPs different ISPs but all from Iran have the same exact problem " connection refused "
it's like the host or something on your side is banning Iran country IPs
I did cleared the cache cookies and history as well, but that's not the case since 4 other people got the same exact problem since yesterday..
Based on these days using non-Iranian security software in Iran may be outlawed. There most definitely has been a lengthy battle to prevent usage of VPN's. (including Freedome) What is in place is a lot more sophisticated than simple IP blocking.