How do I block ID Protection splash screen?

Accepted Answer
Hi @jpseppanen
I have received an update from backend team. The issue has been fixed now and this will be released as version 5.6.0, scheduled for February 2021.
Sorry to post this here, but I can't simply find any other channel to report this.
Is it possible to block this splash screen from certain apps like phone call app itself? This is higly annoying when I try to start typing a persons name whom I'm going to call.
1) Need to wait until splash window goes away
2) Try to press just under it where "ABC" or "DEF" is stated and you mostly end up pressing the ID input which opens the ID app.
Running on on Android 10.
Hi @jpseppanen
Apologies for the delay in response. I will check this with our backend team and update you here soon.
Hi @jpseppanen
Our backend team has already started looking into the issue and still waiting for their response. I will keep you posted on any update.