F-Secure SAFE gets uninstalled from macOS

SmallHollow Posts: 3 New Member

During this year F-Secure SAFE has automatically uninstalled itself from my MacBook Pro running macOS Mojave. This has happened at least 4 times. I usually notice it when the F-Secure SAFE folder has disappeared from the /Applications folder, or when I don't see the protection badges in browsers. This time my computer had been running without SAFE for two weeks before I noticed it was gone again.

What's going on with these auto-uninstalls? I have a subscription until 2022.


  • ArthurVal
    ArthurVal Posts: 278 F-Secure Product Expert

    Hello, @SmallHollow!

    That indeed sounds strange. SAFE does not have auto-uninstallation functionality.

    What it does have is silent upgrade feature. It is used to upgrade the existing SAFE installation to the latest one that we publish on the update server. So my current suspicion is that something could be going wrong during upgrade on your computer. During the upgrade, SAFE gets partially removed and should get replaced with new versions of its components.

    Could you please run the "Support Tool" app located in your Applications folder and share the resulting file with our support? https://www.f-secure.com/en/home/support/contact

    It is located inside a subdirectory called "F-Secure SAFE". The Support Tool will run and collect diagnostics that could reveal the root cause of this behavior. Thank you!

    Best regards, Arthur

    SAFE Mac R&D Team

    Best regards, Arthur

    F-Secure Technology, Mac Team

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