A long range of F-Secure\NS\default\ nested directories

F-Secure by XS4all version 17.8 on Windows 10 Pro 19041.508
On October 13, I became aware of a whole range of nested folders which all seem to contain the same items.
C:\Users\All Users\F-Secure\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\NS\default\
My backup program stumbled on it because it could not convert the name. I have no clue what it does relate to, maybe it has to do with an update?
Can I delete some of these repeating directories or.....? Advice most welcome!
Thank you for your help
Accepted Answer
This is due to update from older version. We had to move the data to a new location but during update we need it in old location. This is solved by having %PROGRAMDATA%\F-Secure\NS\default be a symbolic link (junction) to %PROGRAMDATA%\F-Secure. However, if a backup program doesn't know to not follow junctions, it will get into trouble.
If you follow the directories in console or explorer, it will show it as endless directories due to the looping symbolic link.
The simplest way, if possible for you, is to uninstall and reinstall the client. When you do clean install of 17.8 version, it doesn't need to do this junction. If that is not possible, to keep the client working, you would need to unlink the junction, copy all data from %PROGRAMDATA%\F-Secure to %PROGRAMDATA%\F-Secure\NS\default, while having F-Secure services and processes stopped.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products