I subscribed for one year till 9-2021

smh_888 Posts: 1 New Member
edited October 2020 in Privacy VPN


kindly the app asked me to subscribe again although i subscribed for 1 year till 9-2021

check and advice


Accepted Answer

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    Answer ✓

    Hi @smh_888

    You can follow the steps to restore the subscription and check again.

    Note: Make sure your iOS device using the same Apple ID with your F-Secure FREEDOME VPN / F-Secure SAFE purchase.

    1. Open App Store
    2. Search for F-Secure FREEDOME / F-Secure SAFE
    3. Download the F-Secure FREEDOME / F-Secure SAFE app
    4. Open the F-Secure FREEDOME / F-Secure SAFE app
    5. Open menu from top left corner
    6. Tap Subscription
    7. Tap Restore iTunes purchases
    8. Tap Restore purchases
    9. FREEDOME / SAFE is now activate

    Note: If it does not gets activated or takes time to activate, remove the F-Secure app (F-Secure FREEDOME or F-Secure SAFE) from the device, restart and reinstall it back. Next follow back the steps from Step number 5 to activate it.

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