Anti-virus does not detect my computerscreen infection

Hello community,
I am having some kind screen altering “virus” which seems to be undetectable by multiple different antivirus software. it spreads very easy just by connecting external devices . Even from Mac to windows OS X.
I can’t seem te be able to erase or restore what it does by clean installs both Mac and Windows.
out of trying I know it is not situated in the OS
but must run somewhere in early startup, As it spreads by not Even beeing logged in to your OS
i am not sure if it would be categorized as virus . I haven’t noticed that it slows my computers ( just Only at first infection) Or freeze it , nor does it leak any information or blocks your data .
it is only visual, it makes working on the computer a brain terrorizing burden
it started in 2013 when at that time I was foolish to download some cd’s from a illegal torrent site On a Mac without reading any comments or such , not really realizing what effect it could have.
when trying to import the Downloaded albums to iTunes this display alteration started immediately. I found some disturbing readme file in there .
this infection was at that time not detectable by clamxav and spread to the windows pc’s in the house via usb sticks.
now it got back again by accident on my new 2 month’s old laptop which a bought as a fresh start to get Finally rid of this problem .
from the moment my pc got infected by coupling an ext. device .,After a minute or 2 , my screen start looking different again, a reddish glow And There starts to be a blurry overlay on the whole desktop which makes loose my focus Like my head turns al sides inside and starts making me feel tensed up , uncomfortable and an overcoming of anxiety and panic
it makes the use of the laptop very discomforting and a terror .
I have tried different solutions on both Mac and windows . Non with complete 100% positive result.
I tried to erase my hard drive and reinstall windows .
went back to an earlier restore point I made
I am planning a full reset of my system via aN usb recovery drive Made earlier , of the full updated windows 10 .
I have tried this all on my Mac Already but didn’t get a 100% result .
I have run my F-secure thoroughly scan a few times which doesn’t show anything .
I have run the free malwarebytes to .
I am a bit in dispair now , with all my computer looking like this Now for years .
I am hoping there is another way in removing this , without resetting my complete pc .???( which doesn’t is a 100% guaranty as my Mac still has some issues on the screen .
I have had already 2 Powerfully hardware checks done . To exclude it beeing a H/W problem.
I am planning to send the Infected external device To the technicians in Finland so that can discover what’s on there . Maybe more people have such issue without really knowing for sure that there screen is not normal anymore.
does anyone have an idea which programs I could run to find this issue in my system ?
I am only an computer amature.
all ideas are much appreciated.
kind regards .
I am making another post here as I did try a complete reset of my pc with a recovery drive .
but it didn’t resolve my problem.
stil a reddish tone on my screen and this strange gloomy filter . ( see foto below)
I noticed the redness was present when being in my bios . And all the time there when running the recovery software .
are there any options I could try ?
maybe removing the video memory battery ?
many thanks for reading .
Hi James ,
thanks for your assistance.
sadly the original files from when this first occurred I have tried to deleted .
I only know it stil affects other computers when attaching The external device from an infected computer to another .
I do have a usb stick and a ext. ssd that must have it . As it spread via the ssd to the last laptop . The ssd itself does not contain any real Files only a Whole copy of an OS to which I tried to boot.
if it is possible, I would be very willing to send the whole ssd to the lab via post ?
I do not know if I would be able to send a file that contains it as I don’t know where it resides.
I hope this makes sense ?
gladly hearing from you,