"Identify device type" setting turned off since the last firmware update

After the september update the "Identify device type" setting is off and if i try to turn it on a popup question comes up asking me to allow the function. When i press "allow" nothing happens. It won't turn on.
Also the sense router app loses connection all the time if it's running in the background. I have turned of battery optimization and allowed all security settings for the sense router app in android. All settings in the router is possible to change from the app except for the "Identify device type".
I have the beta version of the sense app from play store.
I did a soft reset and reinstalled the app completely before configuring the router. Nothing changed.
Also another issue that I've detected some times before when looking at the notification bar in my phone, the app says im not connected to the sense router (yes i am using the same wifi network as I did when setting up the router. Im using the 2.4 Ghz band and I am not switching between the 5.2 Ghz and the 2.4 Ghz. And I have location on.) I installed an app called "unnotification" that records every notification and In one day i have around 1000 notifications saying, not connected and connected, with seconds apart. It almost looks as as soon as I turn of my screen the connection is lost, and yes the app has no battery or memory optimization set what so ever. I went to "special permissions" and turned off everything that could affect the app. Also i turned off Androids "adaptive notifications" that is a really idiotic move to set in an OS like Android. I want all notifications not the once Googles ai thinks is what i want to receive. Still getting connected and one second later not connected. This is nothing that a normal user identifies if they are not looking at the notification area very often. The times I've noticed it before i have opened the app and pressed "Devices protected" and only seen my own device for like 30 seconds and then suddenly the rest of my devices in my home has popped up. This makes me think that the router and the connection to all iot and other devices are not really secure. A router promissing ids and ips and "reading between the lines" a virtual patching system it is not that secure. Even though i have all settings on like tracing protection and so on i still get a lot of unwanted tracing. Yes it blocks a lot and blocks some threats when i happen to open a Link on a web site that takes me to a malicious site but, since it's not even being able to recognize my different devices anymore and calls them all for "generic" how can it tell what is normal and not for my devices? There is tins of questions and this forum seems almost as dead as your support. It's been a good two years but since the product seems dead and without users i think it's time to spend money on something new. It's a pitt because one thing that i don't want to stay awake about is security of my devices in my home. Provided a screenshot of my notification log. During the time in the log I've been connected with wifi all the time. But look at the notifications!
Hi @Citius
Thank you for reaching out to us.
According to our analytics, customer demand for this feature was very limited and after careful consideration we decided to discontinue it. Please note that this does not affect any of the security functions of the F-Secure SENSE.
We are unable to comment on the 3rd party notification app that you have used since we rely on the notifications on the SENSE app. However, switching between the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz ought to display that you are securely connected to the SENSE app. An attempt to reproduce this issue did not give the same result that you are getting.
Could you please check and let us know the firmware version that you are currently running?
By the way, we have a 24/7 Live Chat support while our Phone Support is available during the office hours on weekdays only but since you are using a Beta version of the SENSE app, this is the appropriate channel to handle this.