Memory scan shows 0 files scanned

z_tech Posts: 1 New Member

After latest Ultralight core update ( September 16, 2020), whenever I scan my PC, Memory scan says "0 items scanned". Does anyone else has the same issue?

(Win10 Home, F-Secure Safe 17.8 [4.30.8078.0/SAFE]

Accepted Answer


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user. Actually, my experience is based on its beta version of "F-Secure SAFE".

    So, I can to add that beta version with Scan Wizard interface is only about "System:" scanned items. So, there is no "Memory" anymore.

    Maybe both 'stages' are unified OR one of them is somewhat dropped. And this is an explanation of your experience (while my beta installation with 'clear' interface). However, I am not sure when changes happened and did not remember any related points under release notes.

    Good to receive some official words about.

    Thanks! Sorry for my English.

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