ID Protection - Delete Imported Data
Good afternoon,
I have attempted to import all my passwords from Microsoft Edge, it has corrupted all the data and added it all into the wrong fields.
This means that i have 2000+ Passwords that i either have to manually delete or im hoping someone can point me at a better solution here.
Accepted Answer
Hi @WebTechPlus
You can only import passwords from password manager applications provided you use the above listed export formats.
At the moment, importing passwords from a web browser is not possible.
Hi @WebTechPlus
Kindly have a look at this KB article which tells more about the required formats.
Let us know if you need further clarification.
I have followed that exact guide and it does not work.
So what I have done is a load of testing and found this method works…
1. Part 1
- Open F-Secure KEY (Premium).
- Type in your Master Password when prompted.
- Go to Menu > Connect devices. An 8-digit sync code is automatically generated. This code is valid for only 60 seconds.
2. Part 2
- Install the App from either apple store or google play store
- Open the app and Log in with your account
- Select the menu icon and ‘connect devices’
- Enter in the code from Part 1
3. Part 3
- Open F-Secure ID PROTECTION on the current device you want to sync your password data to.
- Go to Menu > Connect devices, and type in the generated sync code from step 3.
- Tap or click Connect.
- When prompted, enter the master password that you use on your Premium device.
- Once synchronization is successful, tap Confirm if syncing to a mobile, or click OK if syncing to a desktop.
You have to use a mobile as the sharing point else it does not work.
My other issue is importing passwords.
NON of the pre-loaded formats work, I have tried to tweak the settings for several of them and they just fail.
What I would love to see added is a ‘Custom Import’
So you can import a simple CSV file with the set headings of;
- Title
- Username
- Password
- Web Address
- Notes
I thought Auto detect would work with this format but it does not.
Here is an example I have attempted to import;
Title, Username, Password, Web Address, Notes
Test Password Import, George, Password-01,, This is a test Import
Autodetect fails, the only one that comes close to working is Dash Lane import…
Again as I said I have then done a load of testing to see what fields I can import… and I can never populate the Web Address field I can get everything else to work though, which is painful.