F-Secure Antivirus Installation Failure

Henfre Posts: 5 Observer
edited September 2020 in Web Browsing


I'm running the standard F-Secure AntiVirus installer. However, as soon as I choose to install, I get a message "Something Went Wrong". It suggests that I reboot and try again, but to no avail.

I happened to find this message in a log file that appears to be related to this application at:



CcfDownload::File::WriteData: WriteFile(C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\F-Secure\NetworkInstallerTemp\fs471637180.tmp\sidegrade.zip) failed: [6] The handle is invalid.

I can see that it's trying to download the file at:

The file downloads just fine in my web browser. I don't understand why the installation is failing.

Any help would be very much appreciated!

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