f secure catilina

Accepted Answers
Please be advised that the latest version of SAFE is fully compatible with macOS Catalina. The warning that you see refers to the next major macOS release that will be released by Apple later this year. Note that this requires no action from you. We are aware of the situation and currently working on the updated version of SAFE that will support the upcoming macOS release.
In order to investigate the root cause of the slow down issue, please run the "Support Tool" app that is shipped with SAFE and collect diagnostics so that we could take a closer look at the issue. It's located in the Applications folder alongside the SAFE app. You can submit the diagnostics file with a support request to F-Secure Support team (https://www.f-secure.com/en/home/support/contact). Thanks in advance!
Best regards, Arthur
SAFE Mac R&D Team
Best regards, Arthur
F-Secure Technology, Mac Team
Thanks for sharing the diagnostics. I've taken a look at it but could not find any abnormal behavior on SAFE side.
Could you please clarify a bit on that slow down issue? Does you machine perform slowly in general, all the time? Or this happens only during some specific actions? For example, right after waking from sleep, copying/moving files, launching heavy applications, etc.?
It could be worth it to collect diagnostics at the time when issue is happening as the "Support Tool" only collects limited amount of information and traces of this issue might not have ended up in the uploaded archive.
Did it start happening recently (after one of the recent macOS or SAFE releases)? Thanks.
Best regards, Arthur
SAFE Mac R&D Team
Best regards, Arthur
F-Secure Technology, Mac Team