Connecting does not work well on Mac OS after it comes out of sleep

After Mac OS awakes from a sleep, I find Freedome will normally not connect and tries over and over again to connect, it can take up to five minutes. The only way I can get it to work quicker is to turn off Freedome and back on or unplug and replug the network cable. I am on a cable connection.
The issue may relate to the kill-switch feature, as often just before Freedome starts to work, air play will also start to work which seems to suggest, prior to this the Mac OS could not connect to anything. And the issue does not occur if kill switch is turned off.
I know this is likely not a hardware issue, as I have recently replaced my mac and the old one did it too.
Hi @Tommy600
It is possible that F-Secure Freedome VPN is currently not running on the latest version.
Kindly reinstall Freedome VPN, that way we can be sure you have the latest version on. Do update us on the outcome if we might need to further investigate this for you if the issue persists. Also, let us know your Mac OSX version.