So many customers having issues with Outlook mail not working

Cordixa Posts: 1 New Member

I am running latest Microsoft 360 and whenever my F Secure (Home) is running it blocks my emails, my sent emails get held in outbox. So many people have this issue but F Secure are not updating to resolve the problem. Why? I used Nord VPN before F Secure and I had no problems with that at all, so why are we having so many problems with F Secure?

I read that F Secure say we have to try port 25 or 465 instead of 587 but none work with F Secure, should it not be that F Secure should simply make and SELL a product that works with the most commonly used email client?

No at all happy with F Secure or their lack of customer response on this subject, it is clear that they are out of their dpth and its time we took to Twitter in force to let everyone know the pitfalls before they also waste their money on this software.

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