Why is Barclays not loading on to my ipad through F Secure when others banks do?

Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions). And I can not to check situation with iOS device. So, just unofficial and general discussion.
If your experience is about F-Secure SAFE solution and 'SAFE Browser', then maybe "Barclays" with limited scope of supported browsers or its versions. So, F-Secure SAFE Browser can be not one of them.
Another point is that, perhaps, F-Secure with utilization of common system browser functionality (what is provided and allowed by Apple and iOS platform). Maybe this component is somewhat outdated for Barclays.
But good to know what is your iOS version / device. And what is exact F-Secure solution. Maybe Barclays notification about "update browser" is somewhat useful too. In general, you could also try to reach official F-Secure Support channel (for example, web-chat): https://www.f-secure.com/en/home/support/contact