how can I protect attachments with F-secure?

Accepted Answer
Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Did you mean something like "spam" protection or scanning received emails (not on web-based services) with attachments against potentially malicious ones?
Or something else means by "Protect attachments with F-Secure"? And what is your F-Secure solution (F-Secure SAFE?) and platform (Windows, Android,Mac,iOS)?
Just as a general discussion: current F-Secure home solution is not about spam protection module. Mostly because of modern way of secure communications. Most of software with recommendations to use protected and encrypted ways (protocols). So, it is partly impossible safely scan and detect incoming letters and partly unreasoned.
Instead, there are next layers of protection against malicious attachments:
-- mail provider (or software) can be with already built-in spam protection logic against known malicious emails or suspicious attachments. some of threats can be filtered on that stage.
-- then, usually, it is not recommended to open 'suspicious' letter or to run attachments from unknown sender or suspicious matter.
-- in general, if attachment is launched / opened - then F-Secure with real time scanning, with DeepGuard module and some other features around should to analyze and scan it on that stage. If behavior or any other triggers can be known as malicious or looks like harmful - then it will be prevented and detected as a dangerous threat. Usually, with further information about event to user. However, some of 'malicious' attempted can be unknown or can to bypass checks via tricky design.
-- another point is 'static' attachments. So, it is not launched. But still under inbox and stored under your filesystem as part of 'container' with emails database or so. When you run, for example, Full Scan by F-Secure - then this item can be detected. However, it can be impossible automatically delete it or clean. Thus, need to perform manual actions. For example, there was a discussion about it:
Sorry for my long reply. Good if you will back with feedback!