Diff. between SAFE 2018 and SAFE 2020

Accepted Answer
Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Actually, I think there are some differences (not only year of "production). However, I am not sure about names like "SAFE 2020". Its current version view something like "F-Secure 17.num".
In general, there were plenty of changes between mentioned years. But mostly all the functions are equally (that is good maybe). And most recent solution with some fresh features and functionality, some things with better design or logic.
I think that there can be somewhere release notes during upgrade or mention of main changes. But there is Knowledgebase article about:
Article outlines important changes, features and fixes. But, perhaps, article is not about most recent stable build (that can be called 2020).
Since my own experience is about beta solution currently - I am not completely sure what is current state of stable solution build. So, if you are interesting in some specific points - I could try to check about differences with current stable (after described under article Released August/2019 17.7). One more remark is - my words were about Windows platform. However, Mac or Android solutions can be with highly another situation (more changes or so).
Sorry for my English!