
occj Posts: 1 New Member


Skal det være rødt kryss på "Slå av alle sikkerhetsfunksjoner" under funksjonen verktøy? Virker sikkerhetsfunksjonene da?

Jeg har prøvd å få "krysset" vekk, men det får jeg ikke til.




  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    Actually, "Turn off all security features" indeed with another color (compared to other logos under Tools tab of main user interface). Means that it is dangerous option - because if you decided to turn off all security features - then protection will be disabled until restart or reenabling.

    So, when you choose this "button" - should be a dialog window with confirmation about action. "to turn off" OR "cancel" (not turn off).

    Turn off action require Administrator privileges. So there should be rights escalation if you tried to turn off all security features. If all steps are done - then all security features disabled.

    Did you mean: that nothing happened after try to use this button? Or your concern about something else (or just about its look)? If so - maybe screenshot can be very helpful.

    Sorry for my English!


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