Test failed about C3&Slack.

I'm testing the C3 from github(version 1.1.0 &1.0.0 src or release compiled) before I change and add some customize API. But when I try use Slack to get a Relay I was failed. I found a new Slack Channel made when I add a new channel using C3 Dashboard.I can also find a new message in my slack like {"direction:abcd" "Done"} when I executing the RELAY and deleted quickly. But it prove every communication is OK. So what should I to test? It seems like not a error about src. The token I use is legancy token of Slack. This is a Chinese technology enthusiast~Thanks for your reply :)
Accepted Answer
It is nice that situation was with good end.
However, I am not sure how to close Discussion topic. Maybe there are two options about it:
- to choose(?) one of replies as an answer. So, topic will be accepted as answered. I think topic starter or official F-Secure moderators / community manages with an ability to do so. But, maybe, this type (Discussion) of topic is not about such an option. And topic can be locked after certain time of inactivity here.
- to leave topic (discussion) as is. What if someone else decided to ask something about subject or to suggest something.
F-Secure Community with fresh platform, so some features are a bit unclear yet (for me).
Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Maybe you could try to reach them out via GitHub repository?
At least, there are an option to create question / ticket about potential trouble. And, maybe, developers or maintainers can to get more clearly.