License expiring, please help

I too keep getting messages that my license will be expiring in a few days or so. I too would like to continue participating in the beta testing. I haven't heard anything either way if it will continue or if it will end. It would be nice to have a little notice if it would be ending so we can plan accordingly. But I'd really like to continue with the beta program. I'm sure F-Secure people are busy, but if you could please let us know if our license will be renewed or not, it would be very much appreciated.
Thank you very much!!!
hi my freind, i am beta user more than 1 year and very satisfied with my choosing to use F Secure Products and be a partner.
i tell you that your license will be extended automatically. Be relax and take a deep breath everything is going to be Allright because you have F Secure in your life.
I'm getting messages again that F-Secure is expiring soon(I think within a week), to please renew subscription. Do you know if my subscription will be renewed? It makes me a little nervous that I keep getting these notifications about renewing.
Wow! That time went really fast! Seems like just a month or 2 ago I was getting these notifications about renewing before. But I guess its been a little longer then that. Thanks!
My license is about to expire in three hours (!!) Oct 19 2020 at 3 AM.
Can you please renew the license?
I was under impression that this will be done automatically by F-Secure, that I do not need to contact anyone... Please correct me if I am wrong.
I do not dare to wait any closer than three hours...