How to set password to internet security?

Hi everybody!
I would like to ask for some help about internet security. How can I set a master password for the internet security itself. So I mean the function of this password would be that if I want to change any setting I have to give this password. Also, with this password the application itself cannot be turned off.
Thank you in advance,
I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
How can I set a master password for the internet security itself. So I mean the function of this password would be that if I want to change any setting I have to give this password. Also, with this password the application itself cannot be turned off.
On current days - it is not possible with F-Secure Internet Security. As a certain functionality.
But! In general sense, you could use 'restricted' Windows local user account (not "Administrator" type). OR / AND to use high level of UAC (
Thus, each critical action will require confirmation by user or 'adminstration password' (you have to enter credentials each time when right elevation is needed).
Basically, to use local user account is even much more secure.
Can it be suitable for your situation?