Virgin Media Offer

MandS Posts: 5 New Member

Last year I renewed my subscription using the Virgin Media offer of £44 for a two year subscription. I now have one year remaining. This subscription covers up to 5 devices but I now have 6 or 7 devices that I want to cover. However, when I look to upgrade to 7 devices the price offer is over £65 to add two more devices for just one year. This means that to cover another 2 devices for one year would be an extra £21 just for one year (i.e. more than 50% more than it cost me to cover 5 devices for two years!)  If this is right, it seems that the Virgin Media orginal discount is simply ignored if you have more than 5 devices (whereas I'd expect at least 5/7th of the cost to be at the discounted rate).  Please advise if this is correct or, if not, what I need to do.


To be totally honest, it will be cheaper to purchase Norton or MacAfee software and get cover for up to 10 devices than it would be for F-Secure for an additional two devices. With an alternative cover for 10 devices, I would then not need to renew F-Secure at all next year.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    I think that "Virgin Media" offer can be with certain terms for their promo price and counts of devices.

    Something as a limitation. Thus, maybe such a difference with price is expected (when discussion is about extra count of devices). But it should be described somewhere on Virgin Media side.

    However, you could try to reach F-Secure official Support channels (for example, chat):

    maybe there is an ability to do so something. and to keep reduced price.


    What about 'price' itself and competitors - I can not to discuss it since I am not sure about set of features with each solution. And whether price is always static with certain vendors or it is also temporary promotion. But, perhaps, there is indeed something to 'optimize' for F-Secure solutions.

    Actually, F-Secure also with huge discounts from time to time.


    Good if official Support (or maybe Community manages here) will be with useful information about subject.



  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @MandS 


     There could be some price mismatch because F-Secure SAFE for Virginmedia is discounted even while adding more licenses.


    Upgrading from 5 devices to 7 should cost around additional £12 if you are renewing for 24 months. If this option is missing, there will be a "renew now" tab, kindly confirm and if the total amount is aligned with the promotion price. 


  • MandS
    MandS Posts: 5 New Member

    Before I submitted my first message, I had a tab that enabled me to buy more licences. However, this has now dissapred and I only have a Renew Now tab (even though it is almost a yera before I need top renew). When I click on the renew now tab it gives me an option for £25 for 5 licences. There is no option to upgarde from 5 to 7 licences (at pro-rate £12 per annum).

  • MandS
    MandS Posts: 5 New Member

    A furthe update. As I click on Renew Now and gpo through to Checkout, it does give me an option of 7 licences for 24 months @ £56 as you suggested. However, I have almost 12 months left and it doesn't seem to take this into account.

  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @MandS 


    Kindly ignore the price you see on the first page and click on continue to checkout and on the next page page, choose 7 license and you should see the price left to pay at £6.99. Click on Next and the payment is completed.


    Let us know if this works for you. 

  • MandS
    MandS Posts: 5 New Member

    Just tried to proceed. The next screen gives me the option to choose a 24 month term for 7 licences at a price of £56. The next screen is to provide credit card details. At no point is £6.99 mentioned and I'm concerned that if I enter my details, the full amount of £56 will be taken from my card.

  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @MandS 


    I suspect your browser still recognises the old error which has been rectified. Would you want to clear the cookies and cache on the browser and try again?


    Kindly check your Inbox because I sent you a private message so we could try alternative option to get this done for you.


    Awaiting your response. 

  • MandS
    MandS Posts: 5 New Member

    Thanks for your reply. I have deleted cookies and cache data and also tried different browsers and on a different device but still have the same issue i.e. reaching a screen that advises me the cost is £56 for 24 months (7 devices) with the next screen requesting credit card details. I am reluctant to enter my credit card information until I can see that the cost will be in the region of £6.99 rather than £56.


    I will repsond to your private message separately.

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