Option To Remove Statistics Box On Main Screen

Music4Evers Posts: 4 Observer

Hello all:

It might just be me but the info box on the bottom of the main screen giving info on how many files verified, websites verified etc to somewhat irritating. I understand some users may want this information but after a while it becomes meaningless. The option to remove notifications does not remove these notifications. Apart from this issue it's a great product & now ho a two-year subscription. Is there any way to remove this info box somehow?  Best wishes Paul


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



     Is there any way to remove this info box somehow?

    I think there is no way to remove this with current version. At least, specially designed steps for this task. Thus, statistics box is always shown (possible to "click" on the box field and get a full view).

    You also could create a feature request there:

    But just as a discussion between community users: what is the main point of irritation?

    Perhaps, to open Main F-Secure SAFE window is not too often action. And statistics box is not too much 'large' or 'dynamic' to be too visible.

    Probably, it can be a bit meaningless but just as some sort of information still can be valid.



  • Music4Evers
    Music4Evers Posts: 4 Observer

    It's pretty pointless being there in the first place, each & every AV & blocker of any kind will build up large amount of such info in a very short time - IMHO rather than asking why do I find it irritating I could ask why is it there in the first place (on the main screen) & also why is there no disable function or the disable notifications option does not remove the box as it is a notification?.


    Interestingly most ad blockers for example give the option to disable stats.

    I also assume??  if the AV does block malware that too is displayed for all time? Adg**** does a similar thing displaying how many ads are blocks but at least it's possible to reset it.
    It's just an irritation, we all have them & over different things, I'm all the needed data being shown but again in my opinion I can't see the point of this function at all.   Smiley Happy

  • Music4Evers
    Music4Evers Posts: 4 Observer

    Thanks for your reply: I fully respect your views & of course any small issue such as the one I've mentioned is subjective. My feeling is logging overall is overdone & the option to limit it should be given & for savvy people extended logging is unnecessary. I clean up friends (of friends) & colleagues PC's & look after a very few small businesses but logging especially of past misdemeanours such as sites they have strayed on with sensitive info on (ladies sites for just for example) can be extremely embarrassing for a user, something I have come accross more than once.

    There are other ways of showing a AV is working, the colour of the tray icon is often used. Initially I did wonder if there was a workaround for the logging shown on the main screen, it seems there isn’t. None of this detracts from how good F-Secure really is, it’s secure, fast, light & a breeze to install. Best wishes - Paul Smiley Happy

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Thanks for your response and feedback.

    My feeling is logging overall is overdone & the option to limit it should be given & for savvy people extended logging is unnecessary.

    Yes, it is! But, for example, I decided to choose F-Secure solutions - because of its logic use of tech logging and when it is only needed.

    But I am not sure that "statistics" is possible to call logging as such.

    Actually, there are some functional logs exist (not used for user interface). And, in fact, by default F-Secure solutions with 'basic' logging (practically nothing to be critical and redacted to be 'unpinned' to any sensitive things). Although savvy people can to use extended logging for own troubleshooting.


    There are also two other points: F-Secure SAFE installation 'Settings' with "Privacy" tab where it is possible to uncheck (if checked) options about more privacy concerned things.

    Second point is their terms:

    With good description about many things.


    but logging especially of past misdemeanours such as sites they have strayed on with sensitive info on can be extremely embarrassing for a user

    By the way, "Statistics" box on the main window does not provide any names of websites or so.

    It is only 'numeral' count of checked/visited webpages (were not 'harmful' or 'malicious'). And count of blocked attempts to open harmful rated webpage (but what was the page is not visible there).

    The only information is how active user's surf was. :) Or how many harmful-rated pages were tried to be opened and blocked for protection (website can be opened at background, for example; not by user's intention).


    "Recent events" with events about blocked harmful rated page with visible URL (of course). But - page should be rated as a harmful. Usually, if it is false positive - nothing critical. If it is indeed malicious page - then good that page is blocked. And "Recent events" list is possible to clean up (for avoid any to check what sites were blocked) if needed.

    My own experience is about some 'random' URLs are added to recent events. For example, I check any sport concerned pictures on Google Seach (picture tab of search). Handball, football or certain sport club. Some previews (picture) can be hosted on harmful rated website. So, even if I did not open website/webpage - this resource can be blocked and added to recent events. As a result, my experience was about strange URLs under recent events (that I noticed only by reviewing Recent events window). But it is possible to clean up these 'events'  if needed.


    There are other ways of showing a AV is working, the colour of the tray icon is often used

    Perhaps, yes. But it does not show that software actually blocking threats. :)

    In general, you can to open test resources / websites and ensure that all is OK. But 'statistics' is also quite good for such. You just do your things and then (if interesting) check that actually some websites were verified as clean and some blockpages were blocked. If someone want - he can to analyzing how many webpages visited. or files are checked. However, indeed it is not so useful and such information is not too accurate.


    I think your feature request is quite sensible. At least, if it is not really trouble to implement - showed "Statistics" can be indeed optionally (shows statistics: "yes"/"no"). But I think that such 'general' and 'generic' information is anyway gathering locally (since solution should know that 'banking protection' is triggered; or 'threat' is blocked. Only as a fact). Just as 'numeral' count - I think it is pretty normal and does not affect any sensitive sides (probably). But maybe I just do not imagine point where it can be a trouble.



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