Use english

I was disapointed to see the installer uses some strange and weird form of what I believe is English when the website allows you to choose in REAL English, from the UK.

Why am I restricted to using this canibilised form of what I think is english? It gives the option of US English...and we all know that's not right.

I don't want to have any programs at all which use american and not English so please fix this ASAP.

I look forward to using your software again once this has been fixed but until then, I will be using software written in English, not american.




  • Janiashvili
    Janiashvili Posts: 454 Adventurer

    you may not know, but there's one big continent, with huge population, which uses english(for one country on that continent, english is main language).


    And, those countries have their own dialects, difference between places of usage of certain language gives you dialects, thus, UK english is different from US english, as well as from Au english.


    By the way, in UK itself are many, many dialects of the same language, english...

  • Hi Judge,


    Thanks for submitting your idea to our community.


    Without going to the discussions on which English is proper and correct English, it is true that we currently support only one English. We will consider on future version on adding different English languages, like British English and American English, to our supported languages.


