F-Secure is blocking mostly games

Hi, i got F-Secure antivirus as present for 6 months with my new laptop. But, when i want to install some game, it will blocking it, some games are installed, but cant be executioned. I added game folders, game. exe to excluded files, i tryed to switch off antivirus, but it still blocking it. Games can by run just if the F-Secure is uninstalled. How is possible, F-Secure, still blocking games when it is off??
Please help me.
Sorry for my reply, I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Sounds that your experience is not about beta solution (current community board is about Home Security Beta Programs). Otherwise, good to create a bug-report under beta portal for proper investigation about full meanings of 'still blocking games when it is off'.
But, in general, and since your experience is about stable F-Secure solution (F-Secure AV / F-Secure IS or F-Secure SAFE) - I could ask for more information about:
But, when i want to install some game, it will blocking it
It can be based on different reasons. As with most of other executable files.
What it was? Prompt about detected malicious / harmful item? Installing is not continued?
Or something else?
some games are installed, but cant be executioned
With output by game? Or detection for game files after installation?
I added game folders, game. exe to excluded files, i tryed to switch off antivirus, but it still blocking it.
Usually it can be enough workaround. I do able to recommend check whether game is launched from 'temp' folder (or from not excluded folders / or actual game is another not excluded file).
But with "turned off" state - it should not block, probably.
If it is your current experience - good to check more and troubleshoot a bit!
In addition, there were some topics about:
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Home-Security/F-Secure-seems-to-be-blocking-a/m-p/117638#M4585
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/Deepguard-blocks-games-installed/m-p/98788#M17488
Where actual solution is to contact their F-Secure Labs by transferring executable file of game:
Should be helpful if troubles are based on F-Secure side or DeepGuard module.
Since it is unclear "how F-Secure still blocking game" - maybe it is own (game) protection against cheating / interacting with processes. But, probably, if F-Secure solution is disabled - there should not be any reasons for such. Maybe more examples will explain situation a bit more.
Hi, i sent some files to lab 2 weeks ago, but no reply from their side. Its not made by game. On my other Computer withou F-Secure SAFE, it all work properly. But on PC in which F-Secure is installed, it doing problems.
About installation: Some games, which i want issttalled: Double click on setup.exe and after 5 sec the setup.exe disappeare and win show me ERROR: The application can not be run, it was deleted. And when i open F-Secure...this setup is in quarantine. I tryed switch off F-Secure, but it always happening.
I tryed uninstall F-Secure and without F-Secure in PC it can be installed normally.
Games which are installed: If i try to run executable file, game is closed by F-Secure after 3 sec. Still closing it when F-Secure is off. Again, i tryed to uninstall F-Secure and without them, game works properly.
Thank you.
i sent some files to lab 2 weeks ago, but no reply from their side. Its not made by game. On my other Computer withou F-Secure SAFE, it all work properly. But on PC in which F-Secure is installed, it doing problems.
Usually, there should be feedback from F-Secure Labs. And, at least, did you receive autoreply that file is received at initial time?
If not - did you provide your email under advanced fields during transfer? As described there:
What about "based on game side" - I meant that, for example, game launcher or game process itself conflicted (incompatible) with F-Secure solution. By common meanings OR if they perform check against potential software that can be used by cheaters. As F-Secure solution is a security software - it should to scan and analyse processes / files (as a real-time protection); there is also advanced technologies like F-Secure DeepGuard. Such things can be wrongly 'intercepted' by game as a unwanted interruption.
And, for example, even if F-Secure is disabled or game files are excluded - maybe F-Secure services / processes are somewhat acted as a trigger. But it is my unofficial speculation only. And it should not be like that.
Double click on setup.exe and after 5 sec the setup.exe disappeare and win show me ERROR: The application can not be run, it was deleted. And when i open F-Secure...this setup is in quarantine.
There should be also on-the-fly "prompt" or notification about this event by F-Secure. I mean that it should be more clear (not only by opening F-Secure "App and File control" place).
What is your current OS? Windows 10? Windows 7?
There could also be two different places: "Quarantine" and "Blocked" items.
Quarantined item is by real-time protection (probably).
Blocked item is by DeepGuard.
Just interesting - did you remember what was the setup.exe (what game)?
Some detections can be more reasoned and some of them are fully false positive.
If i try to run executable file, game is closed by F-Secure after 3 sec. Still closing it when F-Secure is off
Any output about? Or all is silently?
Or what is means by "closed by F-Secure"?
Again, i tryed to uninstall F-Secure and without them, game works properly.
It is clear. But unclear point is why or what the reason of such situation when F-Secure installed.
If it is possible to fix on their (F-Secure) side - good to investigate it. Since it will be not only solution for you, but for many other users too!
So, what is your F-Secure solution (https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Common-Topics/How-can-I-find-out-what-F-Secure/ta-p/87491)?
In addition, I tried to check situation with FS Protection (F-Secure SAFE beta) and mentioned 4story.cz. There is my experience:
- Their website was not blocked (safe rated);
- I downloaded first "downloader" (4Story_GameforgeLiveSetup.exe)
- Executable is launched normally. Downloading second executable is not prevented and installation for Gameforge Live folder (process is done normally);
- Second "downloader" (GameforgeLive.exe) launched with administrative rights;
- Then I choose "4Story" and "Install";
by the way, at this step - there was an explanation from their side about used GameGuard:
To help in the fight against unauthorised external programs (e.g. 'bots' and 'hacks'), we have decided to secure 4Story using new anti-cheat software. With this we hope to ward off unauthorised game usage and data manipulation.
GameGuard will be installed with a simple click of 'OK'.
GameGuard launches together with 4Story, and continues to run in the background and monitor running processes until the end of your game. Should GameGuard notice any unauthorised external programs, the following details will be collected, saved and used in order to further check the incident:
- Your operating system as well as additional system information such as your computer name and user account;
- Your IP address, your assigned country as well as the time and type of external program used.Not explained what "any unauthorised external programs" is. And what they should do to be so.
- Downloading and installing were OK;
- Then I launch 4Story itself. Some things were downloaded / installed;
- After choose "Play" - nothing happened. Game(?) is not launched? No prompt by game, no prompt by F-Secure. So, unclear what was wrong or whether something wrong or not.
Tried to turn off F-Secure, to disable F-Secure. But situation still as it was.
I did not manage to launch the game even after F-Secure uninstallation (and further reboot).
Maybe system was not with enough technical requirement. So, I did not repeat trouble between F-Secure / game.
Windows Event Journal with TClient.exe crash at the (each) attempt to launch game. And some other crash related events.
Actually, it was not enough clear how to download client or proper downloader / installer. Any button about related functionality (under their official website?!) lead to promotional / banners of another(?) their game. So, maybe my experience was a bit different to common ones.