Monthly Mentions - October 2019

Dear F-Secure Community Members,


It's time to welcome you all to our October 2019 Monthly Mentions.


In the Monthly Mentions for September, we presented the members who received the most Likes for their helpful posts.


This time around, for the month of October, we would like to present to you the members who gave the most Likes for other posts. Giving likes to someone's post is a means of saying that their post was helpful and to appreciate their engagement in the community. If you happen to see a great post which shares useful information or if the post helps you with your issue, don't hesitate to click the Like button.


Let's present to you our top like givers for October - our very active Superusers @Ukko and @etomcat. They are seen around in the community; lending their helpful hand wherever they can. Thanks to both of you for also recognizing and appreciating other's contribution in our community. Way to go!


Thank you to everyone who participated in our community.