Confirmation downloading the correct F-secure file for Windows

When I go to download the F-Secure file for Windows, from the F-Secure site, get a download prompt for a fiel named somethting VirginMediaNetworkInstaller<.............>exe file? Is this the correct file? It does not look right to me; I expected a F-secure named file to be downloaded.
Thanks Ian
Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
the F-Secure file for Windows, from the F-Secure site,
VirginMediaNetworkInstaller<.............>exe fileIf you are Virgin Media customer and "F-Secure site" is "My F-Secure account" portal ( after logging in) - then it is OK.
Otherwise, if you are not a Virgin Media customer - but your F-Secure account / subscription is somehow connected to Virgin Media promoted / offered solution (in collaboration with F-Secure company) - then it can be OK too.
All in all, you can always check digital signature (certificate) of executable for sure.
In addition, "<......>"-part is about your autoactivation licence key for further installing process. That is OK too.
// such a name itself is normal for F-Secure installers (<company_name>NetworkInstaller<activation_licence_key_>.exe). And can be used F-Secure and by their partners too.
In general, it should be named as "F-Secure" installer. As it is possible to check there with some solutions:
But since some of solutions (and, especially, F-Secure SAFE for example) can be branded / cooperated by / with another company - then such a "branded" name is expected too.
Because if so - then such a solution (subscription) is provided for user via their own channels. It can be Internet Service Provider or something else. As a result, it is kind of their own solutions that is powered by F-Secure and that is based on F-Secure solution. But some things can be modified or changed compared to stable F-Secure ones. Usually, it is only about user interface (colors / logos) and default set of features.
Thus, user should be with expectation of it.
In general, if there is installer file with such a name (VirginMediaNetworkInstaller.exe) - then your "My F-Secure account" portal (the place where you do able to download this installer) should be with something like VirginMedia logo too. It can be right top corner, left top corner, bottoms or somewhere else. Otherwise, of course, it is a little be strange. If no any remarks about it - but the installer file with this name.