F-secure controlling mouse?

Several months ago i refreshed my Windows 10 installation and reinstalled f-secure safe. When installing f-secure it asked me to remove Norton which was reinstalled when i reset Windows. I remember my mouse cursor moving on its own towards the"yes" option when i was asked "do i want to unistall Norton". The mouse cursor seemed to fight me when i tried to move my mouse away from the option. After finishing the uninstall the mouse hasnt moved on its own. Is this normal or was my computer infected by something? Or is this something on norton's side?
Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Only my own unofficial feelings.
I think that all is OK and, in fact, F-Secure does not control mouse in that sense.
Sounds that your experience was about auto uninstallation for conflicting software during installing F-Secure solution. But only after "proceeding" when warning about such a requirement is appeared. Someting as automation for this task.
When installing f-secure it asked me to remove Norton which was reinstalled when i reset Windows
If there was an ability use "Next" button and "ask" was with words that Norton will be removed / uninstalled then - so, probably, next view was OK. Since Norton uninstallation is triggered and if it is possible to perform automatically - it will be so. Otherwise - you have to do so by own manual steps.
I remember my mouse cursor moving on its own towards the"yes" option when i was asked "do i want to unistall Norton". The mouse cursor seemed to fight me when i tried to move my mouse away from the option.
Thus, maybe it was own Norton design for such situations of uninstallation.
Or kind of automated design of autounisntallation for conflicting / incompatible software during F-Secure installation (if possible and after the consent of the user).
Is this normal or was my computer infected by something?
Since it was during F-Secure installation and as part of Norton uninstallation. I think this is normal.
I am not sure whose side there (Norton capable to be uninstalled like that; or F-Secure automation for such a task) - but sounds that this is OK and it is not a indication of trouble with computer.
For example, my own experience was also about related situations. Where "another security solution" (that should be replaced by F-Secure security solution, for example) is uninstalled by completely automated view and actions (as with your description).
It is not recommended to use different security solutions simultaneously (at least, those that may be with incompatible or conflicting points).
Sorry for my reply. And sorry for my English!
Also if my suggestion was enough "strange" - do back with ask for clarification.