Issues with Banking Protection and HSBCs new website

Shari Posts: 6 Observer

Hi There, I've recently been unable to access HSBC Business Banking  unless I turn the Banking Protection off (which I don't like doing). They're revamping their site and the problems occur when jumping from old look pages to new look pages, which are the ones I need to view and administer my account. The site freezes at the jump point and I get a whirly wheel and  error messages about long running scripts if protection is on, but works perfectly if it's off.  I've resorted to using their mobile app for all basic transactions but it's causing me real issues now. Any help or ideas greatly appreciated!


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    One option for proper investigation is to contact their official Support Channel (chat, for example);

    It is possible to create fsdiag file ( before converstation.


    But just as a discussion between community users:

     turn the Banking Protection off 

    Did you really mean that "Banking Protection" is off? And is not entire "Browsing protection"?


    The site freezes at the jump point and I get a whirly wheel and  error messages about long running scripts if protection is on, but works perfectly if it's off.

    Such a switch is happened already when Banking Protection is triggered (F-Secure banking protection flyer is visible)?

    By the way, what is your OS?


    And could you try to check this situation with another browser? Just to understand whether it is pinned to something static or it should be possible to repeat easily.



  • Shari
    Shari Posts: 6 Observer

    Thanks very much for your reply. Yes it's just the extra banking protection layer that was off, the normal protection was in place. I'm using Microsoft Edge which is the default on my laptop, but will maybe download Chrome or Firefox browsers to see if it makes a differernce. Will find another device also as suggested. If all that fails thanks for the info on the official support.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Thanks for your response.

    Yes it's just the extra banking protection layer that was off, the normal protection was in 

    If so, perhaps, if banking protection was ON (for example, BP flyer is visible) - then some connections (redirect to updated version of webpage) are restricted / blocked.

    I tried to check HSBC website, but looks like need to be a customer for receiving such a redirect (logged account) and to feel look differences.

    But does it possible to open "fresh look" webpage from first (to exclude "jumping")?


    In general, you could also try to  use "Internet Explorer" (probably, it is still under system. Under Program Files as ability to run it directly). On current day - F-Secure SAFE browsing protection extension with support for Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox; That support-state may to improve some things for banking protection logic too.


    But, basically, it should be fine with Microsoft Edge too. Good to understand what is a reason for such a trouble.


    Sorry for my English!



  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @Shari 


    Kindly try another browser assuch as IE, Chrome and FIrefox. However, our lab have now rated the HSBC business domain with some tags to be allowed during the banking protection trigger so it should be fine now. 


    Kindly try again and let us know if the issue persists.

  • Shari
    Shari Posts: 6 Observer

    Thanks for the further suggestions from you both. I downloaded Firefox to my laptop and tried with that last week but same issue with Banking Protection.  I've cleared all browsing history and tried again this evening with both Edge and Firefox but still the same problems.  I was able to successfully access the problem pages on an alternative laptop with different security software, but it's not one I have regular access to. So at the moment I'm only able to really use the HSBC app which doesn't have full functionality, so far from ideal.  I'm pretty much out of ideas now, apart from changing my security software, unless you have any other suggestions?  

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Not good that trouble is still there; and that trouble is universal for any browser.


    They're revamping their site and the problems occur when jumping from old look pages to new look pages

    Could you provide domain / URL with ability to do jumping (with exclusion for any "private" additions in that address)? Or it is completely pinned to "logged" state?

    I mean - can I check it with my device by some steps? What page I have to to open and where is an ability to switch page to fresh one look? I tried to browse some HSBC pages and I did not meet freeze (but my surf was a bit random and I could not to login to account).


    In general, I think that if you did not reach their Support - you can try so too (chat, for example; should be visible as "invitation" prompt on right bottom corner of page):

    At least, Support Agents with abilities to investigate more and to understand whether something (web resource / content) is blocked during such a switch from old to fresh look; or there are some more reasons for freeze.


    You could also try to add "HSBC" domain (required form is just "domainname_dot_domainzone"; for example "") to the whitelist for Browsing Protection:

    And check result. Only as a temporary check.



  • Shari
    Shari Posts: 6 Observer

    Hi there, I don't think you'll be able to replicate because the account pages only appear when I have passed the log in and security authentication for my account on the business banking site.  It worked fine until they started adding updated pages to their site within the account journeys a few weeks ago.  I think I'll try and call the F-secure support team when I'm next working at home during their opening hours to see if they can assist. Will also take a look at the whitelisting you mention but have otherwise reached the end of my limited  tech capabilities at this point Smiley Happy

  • Shari
    Shari Posts: 6 Observer

    Thank you!

  • Shari
    Shari Posts: 6 Observer

    Hi there, just wanted to know that the issues have now been resolved. Thanks for all your help and support with this.

  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @Shari 


    Thank you for reverting with the update.


    Yes we can confirm that the issue has been fixed and all users, regardless of the bank, are now able to access their online banking without any obstruction with F-Secure browsing protection active.


    Thank you all for your patience, cooperation and understanding throughout the investigation period.

This discussion has been closed.